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The Fiscal Cost of Refugee Immigration: The Example of Sweden


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The world currently has more refugees and internally displaced persons than it has had since World War II. Yet the readiness of many wealthy countries to provide asylum to these refugees is waning, and a major reason for this is the fiscal burden that would result from larger refugee intakes. To evaluate the size of this fiscal burden, this study estimates the net fiscal redistribution to the total refugee population in Sweden, the country with the largest per capita refugee immigration rate in the Western world since the early 1980s. The total redistribution in 2007 corresponds to 1.0 percent of Swedish GDP in that year. Four-fifths of the redistribution is due to lower public per capita revenues from refugees compared with the total population, and one-fifth to higher per capita public costs.
机译:与第二次世界大战以来相比,目前世界上有更多的难民和国内流离失所者。然而,许多富裕国家准备向这些难民提供庇护的意愿正在减弱,其主要原因是大量难民的涌入会造成财政负担。为了评估这一财政负担的规模,本研究估计了瑞典净难民的净重新分配,瑞典是自1980年代初以来西方人均难民移民率最高的国家。 2007年的再分配总额相当于当年瑞典GDP的1.0%。五分之四的重新分配是由于难民的人均收入低于总人口,五分之一是由于人均公共费用增加。



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