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The effect of male and female supplementation of L-carnitine on reproductive traits of white leghorns.


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Previous work in our laboratory showed that including 125 ppm of l-carnitine in the diets of roosters increased sperm concentration. The objective of this experiment was to determine whether reproductive efficiency could be improved by feeding l-carnitine to both parents over that of feeding l-carnitine to only the male or female. Diets formulated to contain 0 or 125 ppm of l-carnitine were fed to male and female birds from hatch until 37 wk of age. Eighty-four roosters were used, with the semen of 2 roosters constituting an experimental unit. Pools of semen from either l-carnitine-supplemented or control roosters were artificially inseminated into each of 288 hens with 23.5 muL of semen at weekly intervals, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, resulting in a mean insemination dose of 1.2 and 1.1 x 10(8) sperm/hen for l-carnitine and control hens, respectively. Dietary l-carnitine, as compared with the control diet, increased egg yolk l-carnitine concentration (P = 0.001), decreased hatchling yolk sac weights (P = 0.0001), decreased yolk sac lipid content at hatch (P = 0.01), and culminated in compositional changes of yolk fatty acids, but it did not affect hatch rate, egg production, and egg traits. Although supplementing diets with l-carnitine improved sperm concentration, it did not result in a subsequent improvement in hatch rate, most likely because of the high numbers of sperm that were inseminated artificially in both the control and l-carnitine-supplemented hens. The higher concentrations of l-carnitine in the yolk of hatching eggs obtained from hens consuming l-carnitine as compared with controls may have encouraged the utilization of fat by developing embryos, as indicated by the decreased hatchling yolk sac weights and yolk sac lipid content, perhaps leading to the selective utilization of linoleic (C18:2n-6) and alpha-linolenic (C18:3n-3) acids for growth and development over myristic (C14:0) and oleic (C18:1n-9) acids.
机译:我们实验室以前的工作表明,公鸡饮食中含有125 ppm的左旋肉碱会增加精子浓度。该实验的目的是确定通过向父母双方饲喂左旋肉碱是否比仅向男性或女性饲喂左旋肉碱可以提高生殖效率。从孵化到37周龄,将配方中含有0或125 ppm左旋肉碱的日粮饲喂给雄性和雌性家禽。使用84只公鸡,其中2只公鸡的精液构成实验单位。将来自补充左旋肉碱或对照公鸡的精液库以2 x 2因子的方式每周两次以23.5μL的人工方式人工授精到288只母鸡中,每只精液的精子量为2 x 2,平均授精剂量为1.2和1.1 x 10 (8)精子/母鸡分别用于左旋肉碱和对照母鸡。饮食中的左旋肉碱与对照饮食相比,增加了蛋黄的左旋肉碱浓度(P = 0.001),降低了孵化的卵黄囊重量(P = 0.0001),降低了孵化时的卵黄囊脂质含量(P = 0.01),以及最终卵黄脂肪酸的组成发生变化,但它并不影响孵化率,产蛋量和蛋性状。尽管在日粮中添加左旋肉碱能提高精子浓度,但并不会导致孵化率的提高,这很可能是由于对照组和添加左旋肉碱的母鸡人工授精的精子数量很高。与对照组相比,从食用左旋肉碱的母鸡获得的卵黄中的左旋肉碱浓度更高,这可能促进了发育中的胚胎对脂肪的利用,这表明孵化后的卵黄囊重量和卵黄囊脂质含量降低,可能导致亚油酸(C18:2n-6)和α-亚麻酸(C18:3n-3)酸选择性地用于肉豆蔻酸(C14:0)和油酸(C18:1n-9)的生长和发育。



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