首页> 外文期刊>Plant Pathology >Frost promotes the pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in Actinidia chinensis and A. deliciosa plants

Frost promotes the pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in Actinidia chinensis and A. deliciosa plants

机译:霜冻促进丁香假单胞菌PV的致病性。中华猕猴桃和A. deliciosa植物中的猕猴桃

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Frost occurs in all major areas of cultivation, presenting a threat for the production of kiwifruit crops worldwide. A series of experiments were performed on 1-year-old, potted plants or excised twigs of Actinidia chinensis and A. deliciosa to verify whether strict relationships exist between bacterial canker outbreaks from Pseudomonas syringae pv. ac-tinidiae (Psa) attacks and the occurrence of autumn and winter frost events. The association between the occurrence of autumn frost and the sudden outbreak of bacterial canker in A. chinensis in central Italy has been confirmed. Both autumn and winter frosts promote Psa multiplication in the inoculated twigs of both species. The day after the frost, reddish exudates oozing from the inoculation sites were consistently observed in both species, and Psa was re-isolated in some cases. During the thawing of both A. deliciosa and A. chinensis twigs, the 2-cm upward and downward migration of Psa from the inoculation site was observed within 3 min, and the leaves were consistently colonized with the pathogen. A consistent brown discoloration, accompanied with a sour-sap odour, was observed throughout the length of the excised twigs of both Actinidia species after Psa inoculation and winter frost. Psa inoculation induced a remarkably higher necrosis in excised twigs that were not frozen compared with P. s. pv. syringae inoculation. Antifreeze protection using irrigation sprinklers did not influence the short-term period of Psa and P. s. pv. syringae multiplication in both A. deliciosa and A. chinensis twigs. Thus, the damage from frost, freeze thawing and the accumulation of Psa in Actinidia twigs promotes the migration of the pathogen within and between the orchards. Taken together, the results obtained in this study confirmed that A. deliciosa is more frost tolerant than A. chinensis, autumn frosts are more dangerous to these crops than winter frosts, and in the absence of Psa, young kiwifruit plants remain sensitive to frost.
机译:霜冻发生在所有主要的种植领域,对全世界奇异果作物的生产构成了威胁。对猕猴桃和A. deliciosa的一岁,盆栽或切下的树枝进行了一系列实验,以验证丁香假单胞菌PV细菌性溃疡病暴发之间是否存在严格的关系。 ac-tinidiae(Psa)袭击以及秋冬季霜冻事件的发生。在意大利中部地区的中华曲霉中,秋霜的发生与细菌性溃疡病的突然爆发之间的关系已经得到证实。秋季和冬季的霜冻都会促进两种物种的接种小枝中Psa的繁殖。霜冻后的第二天,在两个物种中都观察到从接种部位渗出的红色渗出物,在某些情况下重新分离了Psa。在A. deliciosa和A. chinensis树枝解冻期间,在3分钟内观察到Psa从接种部位向上和向下迁移了2 cm,并且叶片始终被病原体定殖。在接种Psa和冬季霜冻后,在两个猕猴桃属物种的整个切除树枝的整个长度上均观察到一致的棕色变色并伴有酸液味。与P. s相比,接种Psa会在未冷冻的切除嫩枝中引起更高的坏死率。 pv。丁香树接种。使用灌溉喷头的防冻保护措施不会影响Psa和P.s的短期生长。 pv。丁香和中国小枝中丁香丁香的繁殖。因此,霜冻,冻融和猕猴桃小枝中Psa的积累造成的损害促进了果园内和果园之间病原体的迁移。两者合计,在这项研究中获得的结果证实,A。deliciosa比A. chinensis更耐霜冻,秋季霜冻对这些农作物比冬季霜冻更危险,在没有Psa的情况下,年轻的奇异果植物对霜冻仍然敏感。



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