首页> 外文期刊>Plant physiology >hcf5, a nuclear photosynthetic electron transport mutant on Arabidopsis thaliana with a pleiotropic effect of chloroplast gene expression.

hcf5, a nuclear photosynthetic electron transport mutant on Arabidopsis thaliana with a pleiotropic effect of chloroplast gene expression.


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A photosynthetic mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, hcf5, was isolated by screening M2 seedlings for high chlorophyll fluorescence. Thylakoid morphology was strikingly abnormal, with large grana stacks and almost no stroma lamellae. Fluorescence induction kinetics, activity assays, and immunoblotting showed that photosystem II was absent. Polypeptides of the photosystem I complex, the Cyt b6/f complex, coupling factor, and the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase were alsoseverely depleted. However, the nuclear-encoded chlorophyll a/b light-harvesting complex polypeptides were unaffected. The rbcL transcript was present at very low levels, the pattern of transcripts from the polycistronic psbB-psbH-petB-petD operon was abnormal, and the mature psbH message was almost completely lacking. This suggests that the hcf5 locus may encode a product required for the correct expression of several chloroplast genes.
机译:通过筛选M2幼苗的高叶绿素荧光来分离拟南芥的光合突变体hcf5。类囊体形态异常明显,有大量的谷物堆积,几乎没有基质层。荧光诱导动力学,活性测定和免疫印迹表明不存在光系统II。光系统I复合物的多肽,Cyt b6 / f复合物,偶联因子和核糖-1,5-双磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶的大亚基也被严重消耗。但是,核编码的叶绿素a / b光捕获复杂多肽不受影响。 rbcL转录本的含量非常低,来自多顺反子psbB-psbH-petB-petD操纵子的转录本模式异常,并且几乎完全缺乏成熟的psbH信息。这表明hcf5基因座可能编码正确表达几个叶绿体基因所需的产物。



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