首页> 外文期刊>Chemical Engineering Science >Extraction and stripping of actinide elements with changes in supply flow rate and nitric acid concentration using centrifugal contactors in single cycle solvent extraction system

Extraction and stripping of actinide elements with changes in supply flow rate and nitric acid concentration using centrifugal contactors in single cycle solvent extraction system


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Counter current experiments in a single cycle solvent extraction system were carried out with centrifugal contactors to study flow rate reductions in extraction solvent and stripping solution with a dissolver solution of irradiated mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. Uranium and Pu leaked to the raffinate with a 15% decrease in the extraction solvent flow rate, which brought about an accumulation of U and Pu in the co-decontamination section. The discharge of other actinide elements and fission products (FPs) in the raffinate was constant when the extraction solvent reduced by 15%. On the other hand, a 15% decrease in the stripping solution flow rate did not affect the stripping of U and Pu so greatly. The polymerization of Pu was not observed in the counter current experiments, and the time taken to change 2% of Pu(IV) to Pu polymers in the stripping section was evaluated. Simulation results based on these experiments showed that a high HNO3 concentration in the feed solution was advantageous for Np extraction, because Np oxidation progressed in the extraction section.



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