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Evaluation of fungicides for control of white rust on spring-cropped spinach, 2014


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The experiment was conducted at the Entomology and Plant Pathology Research Farm in Stillwater in a field of Easpur loam previously cropped to spinach. Granular fertilizer (75-0-0 lb/A, N-P-K) was incorporated into the soil prior to planting on 12 Marat a seeding rate of two seeds per inch. The herbicide Dual Magnum II Parallel 7.6E at 0.75 pt/A was broadcast post-emergence on 31 Mar. Plots were top-dressed with granular fertilizer (50-0-0 lb/A, N-P-K) on 4 Apr. Plots consisted of 4-row beds, 20-ftlong, with rows spaced 14 in. apart. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications separated by a 5-ft-wide fallow buffer. Fungicides were broadcast using flat-fan nozzles (Tee-jet 8002vk) spaced 18-in. apart with a CO2-pressurized wheelbarrow sprayer. The sprayer was calibrated to deliver 26 gal/A at 40 psi. Treatments were applied on 7-day intervals beginning at the first true-leaf stage. Plots received a total of 12.45 inches of sprinkler irrigation at 0.1 to 1.0 in.water per application as needed to promote crop and disease development. Rainfall during the cropping period (12 Mar to 27 May) totaled 0.84 in. for Mar 0.84 in. for Apr, and 0.65 in. for May. Disease incidence (percentage of leaves with symptoms) and severity (percentage of leaf area with symptoms) were assessed on 27 May. Five, 6-in.-long row segments were harvested arbitrarily from the middle two rows of each plot. The harvested leaves were bulked and mixed, and disease severity was visually estimated on 30 blindly sampled leaves. Data were analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS 9.3 and means were separated with Fisher's least significant difference test where indicated by a significant (P< 0.05) treatment effect.
机译:该实验是在斯蒂尔沃特的昆虫学和植物病理学研究农场进行的,该农场以前是种过菠菜的Easpur壤土。在12 Marat上播种之前,将粒状肥料(75-0-0 lb / A,N-P-K)掺入土壤,播种速率为每英寸两颗种子。 0.75 pt / A的除草剂Dual Magnum II Parallel 7.6E于3月31日播出后播出。4月4日对地块追施颗粒肥料(50-0-0 lb / A,NPK)。地块由4个组成-行床,20英尺长,行距为14英寸。实验设计是一个随机的完整区块,其中有四个复制被一个5英尺宽的休憩缓冲区隔开。使用间隔为18英寸的平扇喷嘴(Tee-jet 8002vk)广播杀菌剂。除了用二氧化碳加压的独轮车喷雾器。喷雾器经过校准,可在40 psi下输送26 gal / A。从第一个真叶阶段开始,以7天为间隔进行治疗。为了促进作物和疾病的发展,每个田地每次喷水量为0.1-1.0英寸,总共进行了12.45英寸的喷灌。播种期(3月12日至5月27日)的降雨量总计为0.84英寸,其中3月为0.84英寸,5月为0.65英寸。 5月27日评估了病害发生率(有症状的叶子百分比)和严重程度(有症状的叶子面积百分比)。从每个样地的中间两行任意收获五个5英寸长的行段。将收获的叶子膨大并混合,然后在30个盲目采样的叶子上目测评估疾病的严重程度。使用SAS 9.3的GLM程序分析数据,并用Fisher最小显着差异检验分离均值,并以显着(P <0.05)处理效果表明。



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