首页> 外文期刊>Plant disease management reports PDMR >Effects of fungicide application on control of stripe rust on winter wheat cultivars in 2014

Effects of fungicide application on control of stripe rust on winter wheat cultivars in 2014


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To determine the effects of fungicide application on control of stripe rust on individual winter wheat cultivars with various levels of resistance grown in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, this study was conducted in a field near Pullman, WA. Fertilizer (100N-20K-25S) was applied at 80 lb/A at the time of cultivation on 10 Oct 13. Winter wheat genotype 'PS 279' was used as a susceptible check and 23 cultivars were selected based on their acreage planted in the State of Washington in 2013 or new releases.These genotype and cultivars were seeded in rows spaced 14 in. apart at 60 lb/A (99% germination rate) with a drill planter on 10 Oct 13. The plots were 4.5 ft in width and 14.3 to16.3 ft in length. Because a low level of stripe rust was predicted for the 2014 season, the field was inoculated with a mixture of locally predominant races PSTv-14 and PSTv-37 of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici on 16 Apr 14 at late tillering stage (Feekes 3). Urea (46N-0P-0K) at 125 lb/A was applied on 28 Apr 14 at the early stage (Feekes 4) and herbicide (Allecto, 24 fl oz/A mixed with surfactant M-90, 14 fl oz/A) was applied on 12 May when wheat plants were at the early jointing stage (Feekes 5). Fungicide Quilt 1.66 SE was sprayed at the rate of 14.0 fl oz/A mixed with M-90 at the rate of 1% v/v in 16 gallon water/A on 29 May when most plants at boot-heading stage and stripe rust reached 10% severity on the susceptible check PS 279. A 601C backpack sprayer was used with a CO2-pressurized spray boom at 18 psi havingthree operating % in. nozzles spaced 19 in. apart. A randomized complete block design was employed with a split block based on spray or not spray and with four replications. Disease severity (percentage of diseased foliage per whole plot) was assessed from each plot on 27 May at boot stage, 10 Jun at flowering stage, and 24 Jun at soft dough stage or two days before the fungicide application and 12 and 26 days after application. Plots were harvested on 6 Aug when kernels had 3 to 5% kernel moisture andtest weight of kernels was measured. Area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was calculated for each plot using the three sets of severity data. Relative AUDPC (rAUDPC) was calculated as percent of the non-treated control. rAUDPC, test weight, andyield data were subjected to analysis of variance and the effect of fungicide application on rAUDPC reduction and test weight and yield increases for each cultivar was determined by Fisher's protected LSDtest.
机译:为了确定杀真菌剂对美国西北太平洋地区生长的具有不同抗性水平的单个冬小麦品种条纹锈病控制的影响,这项研究是在华盛顿州普尔曼附近的田间进行的。在10月10日栽培时,肥料(100N-20K-25S)的施用量为80 lb / A。冬小麦基因型'PS 279'被用作易感性检查,并根据种植的面积选择了23个品种。 2013年10月10日在华盛顿州或新版本中发布。将这些基因型和栽培品种以60磅/年(发芽率99%)以14英寸的行距播种,播种机于13年10月10日播种。田地宽4.5英尺,长14.3至16.3英尺。由于预计2014赛季的条纹锈病水平较低,该田地接种了当地主要的Puccinia striiformis f种族PSTv-14和PSTv-37的混合物。 sp。小麦于14年4月16日分till后期(Feekes 3)。尿素(46N-0P-0K)的尿素(46N-0P-0K)于14年4月28日的早期阶段(Feekes 4)和除草剂(Allecto,24 fl oz / A与表面活性剂M-90混合,14 fl oz / A)施用。当小麦植物处于拔节初期时(第5周),该技术于5月12日应用。 5月29日,大多数植物在boot穗期和条锈病发生时,将杀菌剂棉被1.66 SE以14.0 fl oz / A的速率与M-90混合,以1%v / v的速率喷入16加仑水/ A中。在易感检查PS 279上的严重性为10%。使用601C背负式喷雾器,其CO2加压喷杆在18 psi下具有三个工作%in。喷嘴,间距为19 in.。采用基于喷雾或不喷雾的分裂块的随机完整块设计,并重复四次。在杀菌剂施用前或施用后两天以及施用后12天和26天,分别于5月27日在启动阶段,6月10日在开花阶段,6月24日在软面团阶段从每个样地评估疾病严重程度(每样地患病叶子的百分比) 。在8月6日收获籽粒时,籽粒的水分含量为3%至5%,并测量籽粒的重量。使用三组严重性数据为每个图计算疾病进展曲线下的面积(AUDPC)。相对AUDPC(rAUDPC)计算为未处理对照的百分比。对rAUDPC,测试重量和产量数据进行方差分析,并通过Fisher的受保护的LSDtest确定杀菌剂施用对每种品种的rAUDPC减少以及测试重量和产量增加的影响。



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