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First Report of Crown Rot of Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) Caused by Fusarium oxysporum in the United States


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Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis L [Papaveraceae]) is a native herbaceous perennial in eastern North America, found from Nova Scotia to Florida. Although it is a common wildflower, rhizomes of double-flowered forms are sold commercially. Rhizomes planted into a wooded area in Guilford, CT produced healthy stems and flowers for a few years and then began to collapse and die in 2008. The same symptoms were observed with a new planting in 2011. Initially, leaves were dull green and were more leathery than healthy leaves. Eventually, the leaves collapsed at the junction of the petioles and the rhizomes. Vascular discoloration, if present, was obscured by the red pigmentation in the rhizome. A Fusarium sp. sporulated on the discolored tissue at the junction between healthy and rotted tissue. Stem pieces were surface disinfested (0.53% NaClO for 1 min), rinsed, and placed on Peptone-PCNB agar (2) at room temperature for 5 days. Colonies originating from single spores were subcultured on carnation leaf agar (2) and identified as Fusarium oxysporum based on falcate, thin-walled, three-septate macroconida borne in monophialides on doliform conidiophores (2). Four rhizomes of double-flowered bloodroot were planted in potting mix in the greenhouse in October 2010; sprouts were observed in March 2011. Two plants were inoculated in March 2011 by drenching the soil with 100 ml of a conidial suspension (106 spores/ml) and two control plants were treated with deionized water. Two months later, the inoculated plants were smaller than the controls. The treated plants subsequently collapsed and F. oxysporum was reisolated. Control plants remained healthy and F. oxysporum was not isolated. DNA extracted from the F. oxysporum isolates was used to obtain partial sequences of the translational elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) gene, which were then blasted against the GenBank database. We observed a 100% similarity with F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. The bloodroot isolates were compared with a known F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici isolate for their ability to cause disease on 2-week-old tomato seedlings (cv. Brandywine), using pathogenicity tests as described above. The known F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici isolate caused severe wilt and stunting of the tomato seedlings, but the bloodroot isolate caused no symptoms in inoculated seedling compared with those not inoculated. These results suggest that there may be more hosts for isolates in the F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici species complex than previously thought (1). An isolate (O-2603) has been deposited at the Fusarium Research Laboratory at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Since bloodroot is now being sold commercially as an ornamental, disease management strategies may be needed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a Fusarium crown rot of bloodroot.
机译:血根(Sanguinaria canadensis L [Papaveraceae])是北美东部的一种多年生草本植物,发现于新斯科舍省至佛罗里达州。虽然它是一种常见的野花,但双花形式的根茎已商业出售。根茎种植在吉尔福德的一个林区,康涅狄格州生产了健康的茎和花了几年,然后在2008年开始倒塌并死亡。2011年的新种植也观察到了相同的症状。最初,叶子变钝了,绿色比健康的叶子革质。最终,叶子在叶柄和根茎交界处塌陷。根茎中的红色色素沉着掩盖了血管的变色(如果存在)。镰刀菌在健康组织和腐烂组织的交界处变色的组织上形成孢子。将茎块表面除虫(0.53%NaClO 1分钟),冲洗,然后在室温下置于Peptone-PCNB琼脂(2)上5天。将源自单个孢子的菌落在康乃馨叶琼脂上继代培养(2),并根据在多形孢子分生孢子的单环类中携带的镰刀状,薄壁,三分隔大镰刀菌鉴定为尖孢镰刀菌(2)。 2010年10月在温室的盆栽混合物中种植了四根双花血根茎。 2011年3月观察到芽苗。2011年3月,用100 ml分生孢子悬浮液(106孢子/ ml)浸透土壤,接种了2株植物,用去离子水处理了2株对照植物。两个月后,接种的植物小于对照。随后将处理过的植物倒塌,并将尖孢镰刀菌重新分离。对照植物保持健康,并且未分离出oxysporum。从尖孢镰刀菌分离物中提取的DNA用于获得翻译延伸因子1-alpha(tef1)基因的部分序列,然后将其针对GenBank数据库进行扩增。我们观察到与F. oxysporum f。有100%的相似性。 sp。 lycopersici。将血根分离物与已知的尖孢镰刀菌f。 sp。 lycopersici分离物通过如上所述的致病性测试,可在2周龄的番茄幼苗(品种为Brandywine)上引起疾病。已知的F.oxysporum f。 sp。 lycopersici分离株引起番茄幼苗严重枯萎和发育迟缓,但与未接种相比,接种根苗的血根分离株未引起任何症状。这些结果表明,在F. oxysporum f。中可能有更多的分离株宿主。 sp。 lycopersici物种比以前认为的复杂(1)。分离株(O-2603)已保存在大学公园宾夕法尼亚州立大学的镰刀菌研究实验室中。由于血根现在作为装饰物被商业出售,因此可能需要疾病管理策略。据我们所知,这是镰刀菌根腐病的首次报道。



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