首页> 外文期刊>Plant Disease >First report of stem blight caused by Calonectria colhounii (anamorph Cylindrocladium colhounii) on greenhouse-grown blueberries in the United States.

First report of stem blight caused by Calonectria colhounii (anamorph Cylindrocladium colhounii) on greenhouse-grown blueberries in the United States.

机译:在美国温室大棚蓝莓中,由 Calonectria colhounii (无定型 Cylindrocladium colhounii )引起的茎枯病的首次报道。

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Necrotic stems and leaves were observed on 2- to 4-month-old, rooted microshoot plants (Vaccinium corymbosum, V. angustifolium, and V. corymbosum x V. angustifolium) in Michigan greenhouse in 2008 and 2009. As the disease progressed, root rot were observed and leaves fell off and 80 to 100% of the plants died in some cases. A fungus was isolated from stem lesions. On the basis of morphology, the fungus was identified as Calonectria colhounii. The internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1 and ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA and the Beta -tubulin gene sequence shared 97% maximum identity with that of C. colhounii CBS 114036 (DQ190560) isolated from leaf spots on Rhododendron sp. in North Carolina. This is thought to be the first report of C. colhounii causing a disease of blueberry in Michigan or the United States.
机译:在2到4个月大的有根微枝植物(, V。angustifolium 和 V。corymbosum )。随着病情的发展,观察到根腐烂和叶子脱落,在某些情况下80%至100%的植物死亡。从茎部病变中分离出一种真菌。根据形态,该真菌被鉴定为 Calonectria colhounii 。核糖体DNA的内部转录间隔区(ITS1和ITS2)与β-微管蛋白基因序列与iC具有97%的最大同一性。从杜鹃花(Rhododendron sp。)上的叶斑分离出的colhounii CBS 114036(DQ190560)。在北卡罗来纳州。据认为这是 C的第一份报告。 colhounii 在密歇根州或美国引起蓝莓疾病。



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