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Evaluation of Root RX~R for controlling nematodes in golf greens 2007.


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A golf green in Greenwich, Connecticut was treated to evaluate Root RX. The green was approximately 83 years old and consisted of a mixture of annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass. Sand top-dressing over the years resulted in approximately 4 in. ofsandy soil. Mechanical analysis of the top 4 in. showed it to be 95% sand, 3.4% silt, and 1.6% clay. USDA criteria classify this soil as a sand. Root RX is a proprietary botanical extract from Juglans niger. The treatment and control were replicated sixtimes (plots were 6 ft x 6 ft) and completely randomized. Root RX was applied with a 2.5 gal watering can at the rate of 28 oz/1,000 sq ft in approximately 55 gal water/1,000 sq ft. Five applications were made on: 5 May, 3 Jun, 8 Jul, 11 Aug and 22 Sep.Soil was sampled by removing 10, 1 x 4 in. soil cores per plot and bulking together. Nematodes were recovered by wet sieving/sugar flotation and identified to genus. Criconemella (ring), Tylenchorhynchus (stunt) and Helicotylenchus (spiral) nematodes were assessed. The data were subjected to analysis of variance.
机译:康涅狄格州格林威治的一个高尔夫球场被评估为Root RX。绿色大约有83年的历史,由一年生的草和and草组成。这些年来,追沙追肥导致大约4英寸的沙土。对顶部4英寸的机械分析显示,它是95%的沙子,3.4%的淤泥和1.6%的粘土。美国农业部的标准将这种土壤归类为沙土。根RX是胡桃木的专有植物提取物。将治疗和对照重复六次(图为6英尺x 6英尺)并完全随机分组。根RX用2.5加仑的喷壶以28盎司/ 1,000平方英尺的速率在约55加仑的水/ 1,000平方英尺的水中施用。在5月5日,6月3日,7月8日,8月​​11日和9月22日进行了五次施用通过在每个样地中除去10个1 x 4英寸的土壤核心并堆积在一起,对土壤进行采样。通过湿筛/糖浮选回收线虫并鉴定为属。评估了criconemella(环),Tylenchorhynchus(特技)和Helicotylenchus(螺旋)线虫。对数据进行方差分析。



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