首页> 外文期刊>Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture: An International Journal on in Vitro Culture of Higher Plants >Embryo rescue technique and its applications for seedless breeding in grape

Embryo rescue technique and its applications for seedless breeding in grape


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Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most important fruit crops in the world and is subject to intense breeding efforts to develop new seedless cultivars. To overcome inherent obstacles associated with crossing seedless selections, in ovulo embryo rescue was developed and successfully utilized by plant breeders to rescue inherently weak, immature and/or abortive embryos, in order to obtain progeny from seedless 9 seedless crosses. To date, embryo rescue has been utilized in grape breeding for more than three decades. Genotype, sampling/inoculation time and medium are the most crucial and well-studied factors affecting the success of grape embryo rescue. Besides, other factors, such as the culture methods and utilization of plant growth regulators are also important for grape embryo rescue. Thus far, embryo rescue was extensively applied in rescuing inherently weak grape embryos, breeding seedless grapes and triploid grapes, and distant hybridization between different Vitis species. Although grape embryo rescue has been widely investigated, the development of improved cultivars is few. Breeding novel grape cultivars through embryo rescue is still a challenging and long-term task, which requires persistent effort of grape breeders. This review provides updated and comprehensive information concerning factors and applications of embryo rescue in grape.
机译:葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)是世界上最重要的水果作物之一,并且需要进行繁重的育种工作以开发新的无核品种。为了克服与杂交无核种选择相关的固有障碍,开发了胚珠拯救技术,植物育种者成功地利用了胚芽技术来拯救固有的弱,不成熟和/或流产的胚胎,以便从无核的9个无核杂交中获得后代。迄今为止,胚胎挽救已在葡萄育种中使用了三十多年。基因型,采样/接种时间和培养基是影响葡萄胚抢救成功的最关键和充分研究的因素。此外,其他因素,例如培养方法和植物生长调节剂的利用对葡萄胚的拯救也很重要。迄今为止,胚胎抢救已广泛应用于挽救本来就较弱的葡萄胚,繁殖无核葡萄和三倍体葡萄,以及不同葡萄品种之间的远距离杂交。尽管对葡萄胚的拯救进行了广泛研究,但改良品种的开发却很少。通过胚胎抢救来培育新的葡萄品种仍然是一项艰巨而长期的任务,需要葡萄育种者不断努力。这篇综述提供了有关葡萄中胚胎拯救的因素和应用的最新全面信息。



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