首页> 外文期刊>Plant biology >Behavioural differences between male and female carpenter bees in nectar robbing and its effect on reproductive success in Glechoma longituba (Lamiaceae)

Behavioural differences between male and female carpenter bees in nectar robbing and its effect on reproductive success in Glechoma longituba (Lamiaceae)


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Male and female nectar robbers may show significantly different behaviour on host plants and thus have different impacts on reproductive fitness of the plants. A 4-year study in natural populations of Glechoma longituba has shown that male carpenter bees (Xylocopa sinensis) are responsible for most of the nectar robbing from these flowers, while female bees account for little nectar robbing, demonstrating distinct behavioural differentiation between male and female bees in visiting flowers. The smaller male bee spends less time visiting a single flower than the larger female bee, consequently, the male bee is capable of visiting more flowers per unit time and has a higher foraging efficiency. Moreover, the robbing behaviour of female carpenter bees is more destructive and affects flower structures (ovules and nectaries) and floral life-span more than that of the male bee. According to the energy trade-off hypothesis, the net energy gain for male bees during nectar robbing greatly surpasses energy payout (17.72 versus 2.43 J), while the female bee net energy gain is barely adequate to meet energy payout per unit time (3.78 versus 2.39 J). The differences in net energy gain for male and female bees per unit time in nectar robbing are the likely cause of observed behavioural differences between the sexes. The differences in food resource preference between male and female bees constitute an optimal resource allocation pattern that enables the visitors to utilise floral resources more efficiently.
机译:雄性和雌性花蜜强盗在寄主植物上可能表现出明显不同的行为,因此对植物的生殖适应性具有不同的影响。在长寿草自然种群中进行的一项为期4年的研究表明,雄性木匠蜜蜂(Xylocopa sinensis)负责从这些花中抢夺的大部分花蜜,而雌性蜂只占很少的花蜜抢劫,这表明雄性和雌性在行为上有明显区别蜜蜂在访问花。雄性较小的蜜蜂比雌性较大的蜜蜂花一朵花的时间更少,因此,雄性蜜蜂每单位时间可以造出更多的花,并且觅食效率更高。而且,雌性木匠蜜蜂的抢劫行为更具破坏性,并且比雄性蜜蜂更能影响花朵的结构(胚珠和蜜腺)和花朵的寿命。根据能量折衷假设,花蜜抢劫中雄蜂的净能量获取大大超过了能量支出(17.72对2.43 J),而雌蜂的净能量获取几乎不足以满足单位时间的能量支出(3.78对2.39 J)。花蜜抢夺中每单位时间雄蜂和雌蜂的净能量获取差异是观察到的两性行为差异的可能原因。雄蜂和雌蜂在食物资源偏好上的差异构成了一种最佳的资源分配模式,使游客能够更有效地利用花卉资源。



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