首页> 外文期刊>Plant and Soil >The relative exclusion of zinc and iron from rice grain in relation to rice grain cadmium as compared to soybean: Implications for human health

The relative exclusion of zinc and iron from rice grain in relation to rice grain cadmium as compared to soybean: Implications for human health


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During 2000 - 2002, diagnostic rice and soybean plant samples and concurrent soil samples were collected from cultivated fields within a geo-physically unique Zn/Cd co-contaminated location in Thailand. For the fields sampled, aqua regia-digested Zn and Cd concentrations ranged from 2.91 - 284 and 254 - 8036 mg kg(-1), respectively. In comparison, rice and soybean Cd concentrations ranged from 0.02 - 5.00 and 1.08 - 1.71 mg kg(-1), respectively. Further, the results indicate that grain Cd, Zn and Fe concentrations are in the order rice(Gr)= soybean(Gr), soybean(Gr)> rice(Gr), soybean(Gr)> rice(Gr), respectively. However, and critically from a human health perspective, Cd: Zn and Cd: Fe ratios are in the order rice(Gr)> soybean(Gr). In addition, the rice(Gr) Cd: Fe ratio is an order of magnitude higher than that determined for soybean(Gr). The results of this study, clearly demonstrate that compared to rice stalk (rice(St)) and rice leaf (rice(L)), rice(Gr) accumulates comparatively higher Cd than Zn and Fe thus resulting in the high rice(Gr) Cd: Zn and Cd: Fe ratios. This is in direct contrast to the results observed for soybean. [References: 52]
机译:在2000年至2002年期间,从泰国一个地理上独特的受Zn / Cd共同污染的地方的耕地中收集了诊断性水稻和大豆植物样品以及同时的土壤样品。对于采样场,王水消化的锌和镉的浓度范围分别为2.91-284和254-8036 mg kg(-1)。相比之下,大米和大豆中Cd的浓度分别为0.02-5.00和1.08-1.71 mg kg(-1)。另外,结果表明,谷物Cd,Zn和Fe的浓度分别为大米(Gr)=大豆(Gr),大豆(Gr)>大米(Gr),大豆(Gr)>大米(Gr)。但是,从人类健康的角度来看,至关重要的是,Cd:Zn和Cd:Fe的比率为大米(Gr)>大豆(Gr)。此外,大米(Cd:Fe)的Cd:Fe比大豆(Gr)确定的高一个数量级。这项研究的结果清楚地表明,与稻秆(大米(St))和稻叶(大米(L))相比,大米(Gr)比镉和锌和铁的累积镉含量更高,从而导致大米(Gr)高。 Cd:Zn和Cd:Fe比率。这与对大豆观察到的结果直接相反。 [参考:52]



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