首页> 外文期刊>Phytotaxa >Petrocodon hunanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species identified by both morphological and molecular evidence from limestone area in Hunan, China

Petrocodon hunanensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species identified by both morphological and molecular evidence from limestone area in Hunan, China


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Petrocodon hunanensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from limestone area in Hunan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Petrocodon coriaceifolius, but readily differs from the latter one in the growth form with terrestrial stems and distinct internodes, both surfaces of leaf densely with white pubescence, petiole densely with reddish-purple or white pubescence, zygomorphic corolla white or pale purple and 2-3 cm long, pedicels 0.3-2 (2.8) cm long, 4 stamens and 1 staminodes, ovary and capsule stipitate. Molecular evidences indicate that it is systematically similar to P. hispidus, but the morphologies of two relatives are obviously different.
机译:描述并举例说明了湖南白僵菌(Petrocodon hunanensis),它是一种来自中国湖南石灰岩地区的苦苣苔科新种。新种在形态上与Petrocodon coriaceifolius相似,但与后者的区别在于其生长形式具有陆生茎和明显的节间,叶片两面密被白色短柔毛,叶柄密被红紫色或白色短柔毛,合子花冠白色或淡紫色,长2-3厘米,花梗长0.3-2(2.8)厘米,雄蕊4和1退化雄蕊,子房和capsule状具裂。分子证据表明,它与P. hispidus在系统上相似,但两个亲属的形态明显不同。



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