首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Additional isospin-breaking effects in implied by'/implied by

Additional isospin-breaking effects in implied by'/implied by

机译:“ /”隐含的附加的同位旋折断效应

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In the analysis of implied by'/implied by it has been traditional to consider the isospin-breaking effects arising from electroweak-penguin contributions and from #pi#~0 -#eta#,#eta#' mixing, yet additional isospin-violating effects exist. In particular, we study the isospin violation which arises from the u-d quark mass difference in the hadronization of the gluonic penguin operator, engendering contributions of an effective #DELTA#I = 3/2 character. Using chiral perturbation theory and the factorization approximation for the hadronic matrix elements, we find within a specific model for the low-energy constants that we can readily accommodate an increase in implied by'/implied by by a factor of two.
机译:在“隐含” /“隐含”的分析中,传统上考虑了由弱电企鹅贡献和#pi#〜0-#eta#,#eta#'混合产生的同位旋破坏效应,但还有其他违反同位旋的现象存在效果。尤其是,我们研究了等位变违反,这是由胶子企鹅算子的强子化中的u-d夸克质量差引起的,产生了有效的#DELTA#I = 3/2个字符。使用手性摄动理论和强子矩阵元素的因式分解,我们在低能量常数的特定模型中发现,我们可以轻松地接受隐式“ /”隐含的乘以2的因数。



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