首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >Top down effects in the real-world: An empirical assessment of smoker status on visual attention to brand and warnings when viewing different tobacco package designs

Top down effects in the real-world: An empirical assessment of smoker status on visual attention to brand and warnings when viewing different tobacco package designs




??Recent studies reporting an increase in the attention to health warning messages when highly salient branding is removed from cigarette packages suggest that tobacco users might provide a ready source of participants to study the real-world top-down modulation of attention. We recruited a gender balanced sample of 120 participants (18-73 years, mean 38, stdev 16), comprising 40 non-smokers, infrequent smokers and regular smokers. Life size, photographic images of physical packages were presented for 10 seconds each on high definition screens whilst eye-movements were recorded using a Tobii TX300. A 2x2 design (branded vs. plain, text warning vs. graphic) was used for 8 top UK brands with current UK text and graphic warning messages. 8 unfamiliar "fake" tobacco brands were also included, as well as an equal number of distractor stimuli showing real and fake food and drink products, meaning each participant saw 128 images in total, presented in random sequence over 4 blocks. Our results suggest that infrequent smokers behave differently from regular and non-smokers and show a slower disengagement from the warning messages. Moreover, regular and non-smokers are strongly resistant to salience effects, with attention to the brand dominating even with the proposed plain packaging.
机译:最近的研究报告说,当从卷烟包装中去除高度显着的商标时,对健康警告信息的关注会增加,这表明烟草使用者可能为研究现实世界中自上而下的注意力调节提供了现成的参与者。我们收集了120名参与者(18-73岁,平均38岁,标准差16)的性别均衡样本,其中包括40名不吸烟者,不经常吸烟者和经常吸烟者。在高清屏幕上将真人大小的实物包装的照片图像分别显示10秒钟,同时使用Tobii TX300记录眼动。 2个2x2设计(品牌与普通,文字警告与图形)用于8个英国顶级品牌,并带有当前的英国文字和图形警告消息。还包括8个陌生的“假”烟草品牌,以及相等数量的分散注意力刺激物,显示真实和假冒的食品和饮料产品,这意味着每个参与者总共观看了128张图像,并以随机顺序显示在4个区块中。我们的研究结果表明,不经常吸烟的人与普通和不吸烟者的行为有所不同,并且显示出与警告信息的分离较慢。此外,普通吸烟者和不吸烟者都极力抵御显着效应,即使使用建议的普通包装,也要注意该品牌。



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