首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Relationship among Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and Innovativeness of Knowledge Workers in the Knowledge Economy Era

Relationship among Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and Innovativeness of Knowledge Workers in the Knowledge Economy Era




For the last two hundred years, neo-classical economics has recognized only two factors of production: labor and capital. But, nowadays information and knowledge are replacing capital and energy as the primary wealth-creating assets. Technological developments have transformed wealth-creating work from physically-based to knowledge based. Technology, knowledge as well as innovation are now the key factors of production. Knowledge economy is economy based on creating, evaluating, and trading knowledge. In a knowledge economy, labour costs become progressively less important and traditional economic concepts such as scarcity of resources and economies of scale of economy cease to apply. The most valuable asset of the 21st-century institution, either business or non-business, will be its knowledge workers and their productivity. Knowledge workers’ productivity is the biggest of the 21st century management challenges. In the developed countries, it is their first survival requirement. Making knowledge workers productive requires changes in attitude, not only on the part of the individual knowledge worker but also on the part of the whole organization. (Drucker, 1999, in http://www.knowledgeworkerperformance.com ). Creating knowledge relates to the education system, which creates knowledge workers and innovation system, for example soft skills (worker behaviour), Positive Psychological Capital (Luthan et al., 2007), and hard skill such as ICT literacy. The innovation system, which contributes to innovativeness, in any country, consists of institutions, rules, and procedures that affect how the system acquires, creates, disseminates, and uses knowledge. The objectives of this research are to develop a conceptual model which describse the relationship among the soft skills of knowledge workers, hard skills of knowledge workers, innovativeness of knowledge workers in the context of knowledge economy in Indonesia as a developing country. Multiple Regression Analysis was used as a method for this research. The conceptual model was designed with independent and dependent variables. The independent variables are hard skills, information seeking hard skills, concept thinking soft skills, and self efficacy - positive psychological capital. The dependent variables are: technical innovativeness (product and services) and non-technical innovativeness (organization and marketing). Only one company as the subject of this research which becomes the limitation of the study. The research findings are that only information seeking soft skill that positively influnced technical innovativeness and only hard skills that positively influenced non-technical innovativeness.
机译:在过去的200年中,新古典经济学只认识到两个生产要素:劳动力和资本。但是,如今,信息和知识正在取代资本和能源,成为创造财富的主要资产。技术的发展已将创造财富的工作从基于物质的工作转变为基于知识的工作。技术,知识和创新现已成为生产的关键因素。知识经济是建立,评估和交易知识的经济。在知识经济中,劳动力成本逐渐变得不那么重要,传统的经济概念(例如资源稀缺和规模经济)不再适用。 21世纪机构中最有价值的资产,无论是企业还是非企业,都是其知识工作者及其生产力。知识工作者的生产力是21世纪管理挑战中最大的挑战。在发达国家,这是他们的首要生存要求。要使知识工作者的生产力提高,不仅需要改变个人知识工作者的态度,还需要改变整个组织的态度。 (Drucker,1999,在http://www.knowledgeworkerperformance.com中)。创造知识与教育系统有关,后者创造了知识工作者和创新系统,例如软技能(工人的行为),积极心理资本(Luthan等人,2007)和硬技能(如ICT素养)。在任何国家中,有助于创新的创新系统由影响系统如何获取,创建,传播和使用知识的机构,规则和程序组成。这项研究的目的是建立一个概念模型,描述印度尼西亚作为发展中国家的知识经济背景下知识工作者的软技能,知识工作者的硬技能,知识工作者的创新性之间的关系。多元回归分析被用作该研究的方法。设计概念模型时使用独立变量和因变量。独立变量是硬技能,寻求信息的硬技能,概念思维软技能和自我效能感-积极的心理资本。因变量是:技术创新(产品和服务)和非技术创新(组织和营销)。只有一个公司作为本研究的主题,这成为本研究的局限性。研究发现是,只有寻求软技能的信息才能对技术创新产生积极影响,只有寻求硬技能的信息才能对非技术创新产生积极影响。



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