首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Post-Postmodernism: Automodernity and Its Relevance to Understanding Contemporary Media Audiences

Post-Postmodernism: Automodernity and Its Relevance to Understanding Contemporary Media Audiences




The current paper aims to review the most relevant currents of thought in studying mass-media audiences and connect them with the concept of “automodernity,” as developed by Robert Samuels in his book New Media, Cultural Studies and Critical Theory after Postmodernism . The first section of the paper provides an analysis of the evolution registered in the field of audience studies, from regarding audiences as a vulnerable crowd of media recipients to viewing them as empowered groups of media consumers, who are able to select and intervene inside the media products they prefer. From the surfacing of audience studies research in the 1940s and the development of the “hypodermic needle” theory to the contemporary theories regarding active audiences, the first section of the paper observes how the field progressed over time. Building on these ideas, the second section introduces the concept of “automodernity,” used by Robert Samuels to describe Western culture after postmodernism, and explores its relevance to understanding contemporary media audiences.
机译:本文旨在回顾研究大众传媒受众时最相关的思想潮流,并将其与“自动现代性”概念联系起来,该概念由罗伯特·塞缪尔(Robert Samuels)在其著作《后现代主义之后的新媒体,文化研究和批判理论》中提出。本文的第一部分提供了对受众研究领域中所发生的演变的分析,从将受众视为弱势的媒体接受者人群,到将他们视为有能力的媒体消费者群体,他们能够在媒体内部进行选择和干预。他们喜欢的产品。从1940年代的受众研究浮出水面,到“皮下注射针头”理论的发展,再到有关活跃受众的当代理论,本文的第一部分观察了该领域随着时间的推移如何发展。在这些思想的基础上,第二部分介绍“自动现代性”的概念,罗伯特·塞缪尔(Robert Samuels)使用它来描述后现代主义之后的西方文化,并探讨其与理解当代媒体受众的相关性。



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