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An eye movement pre-training fosters the comprehension of processes and functions in technical systems




The main research goal of the present study was to investigate in how far pre-training eye movements can facilitate knowledge acquisition in multimedia (pre-training principle). We combined considerations from research on eye movement modeling and pre-training to design and test a non-verbal eye movement-based pre-training. Participants in the experimental condition watched an animated circle moving in close spatial resemblance to a static visualization of a solar plant accompanied by a narration in a subsequently presented learning environment. This training was expected to foster top-down processes as reflected in gaze behavior during the learning process and enhance knowledge acquisition. We compared two groups (N = 45): participants in the experimental condition received pre-training in a first step and processed the learning material in a second step, whereas the control group underwent the second step without any pre-training. The pre-training group outperformed the control group in their learning outcomes, particularly in knowledge about processes and functions of the solar plant. However, the superior learning outcomes in the pre-training group could not be explained by eye-movement patterns. Furthermore, the pre-training moderated the relationship between experienced stress and learning outcomes. In the control group, high stress levels hindered learning, which was not found for the pre-training group. On a delayed posttest participants were requested to draw a picture of the learning content. Despite a non-significant effect of training on the quality of drawings, the pre-training showed associations between learning outcomes at the first testing time and process-related aspects in the quality of their drawings. Overall, non-verbal pre-training is a successful instructional intervention to promote learning processes in novices although these processes did not directly reflect in learners' eye movement behavior during learning.
机译:本研究的主要研究目标是研究预训练眼动能在多大程度上促进多媒体知识的获取(预训练原理)。我们结合了关于眼动建模和预训练研究的考虑,以设计和测试基于非语言眼动的预训练。实验条件下的参与者观看了一个动画的圆圈,该圆圈在空间上类似于太阳能设备的静态可视化,并伴随着随后呈现的学习环境中的叙述。预计该培训将促进自顶向下的过程,如在学习过程中的凝视行为所反映的那样,并增强知识的获取。我们比较了两组(N = 45):处于实验条件的参与者在第一步中接受了预训练,并在第二步中对学习材料进行了处理,而对照组在没有任何预训练的情况下进行了第二步。培训前的小组在学习成果方面,特别是在关于太阳能发电厂的过程和功能方面的知识方面,胜过对照组。但是,不能通过眼动模式来解释预训练组中优异的学习成果。此外,预培训缓解了经历的压力与学习成果之间的关系。在对照组中,高压力水平阻碍了学习,这在训练前组中没有发现。在延迟的后测中,要求参与者画出学习内容的图片。尽管培训对图纸质量没有显着影响,但预培训显示出在首次测试时的学习结果与图纸质量中与过程相关的方面之间的关联。总体而言,非语言预培训是一种成功的指导性干预措施,可以促进新手学习过程,尽管这些过程并未直接反映出学习者在学习过程中的眼球运动行为。



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