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Resilience Building in Students: The Role of Academic Self-Efficacy




Self-efficacy relates to an individual's perception of their capabilities. It has a clear self-evaluative dimension leading to high or low perceived self-efficacy. Individual differences in perceived self-efficacy have been shown to be better predictors of performance than previous achievement or ability and seem particularly important when individuals face adversity. The study investigated the nature of the association between academic self-efficacy (ASE) and academic resilience. Undergraduate student participants (N = 435) were exposed to an adverse situation case vignette describing either personal or vicarious academic adversity. ASE was measured pre-exposure and academic resilience was measured post-exposure. ASE was correlated with, and a significant predictor of, academic resilience and students exhibited greater academic resilience when responding to vicarious adversity compared to personal adversity. Identifying constructs that are related to resilience and establishing the precise nature of how such constructs influence academic resilience will assist the development of interventions aimed at promoting resilience in students.
机译:自我效能感与个人对其能力的感知有关。它具有清晰的自我评估维度,可导致较高或较低的自我效能感。与以前的成就或能力相比,个人对自我效能的差异已被证明是更好的业绩预测指标,当个人面对逆境时显得尤为重要。该研究调查了学业自我效能感(ASE)与学业应变能力之间联系的性质。本科生参与者(N = 435)暴露于描述个人或替代性学术逆境的不利情况案例插图。暴露前测量ASE,暴露后测量学术弹性。 ASE与学业适应力相关,并且是学生的韧性的重要预测因素,与个人逆境相比,学生在应对替代性逆境时表现出更大的学术适应力。识别与韧性相关的构架,并确定此类构架如何影响学术韧性的确切性质,将有助于开发旨在提高学生韧性的干预措施。



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