首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >The Resilience Function of Character Strengths in the Face of War and Protracted Conflict

The Resilience Function of Character Strengths in the Face of War and Protracted Conflict




This study investigated the role of character strengths and virtues in moderating relations between conflict exposure and psychiatric symptoms among 1078 adolescents aged 13–15 living in southern Israel, who were exposed to lengthy periods of war, terrorism and political conflict. Adolescents were assessed for character strengths and virtues, political violence exposure using the Political Life Events (PLE) scale, and psychiatric symptoms using the Brief Symptom Inventory and the UCLA PTSD Index. Results confirmed that political violence exposure was positively correlated with psychiatric symptoms. Interpersonal, temperance and transcendence strengths were negatively associated with psychiatric symptoms. Moderating effects of the interpersonal strengths on the relation between political violence exposure and the psychiatric and PTSD indices were confirmed. The findings extend existing knowledge about the resilience function of character strengths in exposure to protracted conflict and have important practical implications for applying strength-building practices for adolescents who grow up in war-affected environments.
机译:这项研究调查了以色列南部1078名年龄在13至15岁,经历了长期战争,恐怖主义和政治冲突的青少年中,性格优势和美德在调节冲突暴露与精神症状之间关系中的作用。使用“政治生活事件”(PLE)量表评估了青少年的性格特长和品德,政治暴力暴露程度,以及“简短症状清单”和UCLA PTSD指数对精神病症状的评估。结果证实,政治暴力暴露与精神症状呈正相关。人际关系,节制和超越的力量与精神病症状呈负相关。人际力量对政治暴力暴露与精神病学和PTSD指数之间关系的调节作用已得到证实。这些发现扩展了有关角色力量在长期冲突中的复原力功能的现有知识,对于在受战争影响的环境中成长的青少年运用力量建设实践具有重要的实际意义。



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