首页> 外文期刊>Investigative ophthalmology & visual science >Visual and Anatomic Outcome in Eyes with Idiopathic Juxtafoveal Macular Telangiectasia (MacTel) and Full Thickness Macular Holes Undergoing Surgical Repair

Visual and Anatomic Outcome in Eyes with Idiopathic Juxtafoveal Macular Telangiectasia (MacTel) and Full Thickness Macular Holes Undergoing Surgical Repair




Purpose: To report visual and anatomic outcomes in eyes with idiopathic juxtafoveal macular telangiectasia (MacTel) undergoing small gauge vitrectomy surgery with gas tamponade for full thickness macular holes (FTMH) Methods: Medical records of all adult patients with the diagnoses of both MacTel and FTMH who were diagnosed and had surgery between 2003-2013 at Casey Eye Institute were reviewed. Preoperative and postoperative data were obtained including visual acuity and OCT imaging to evaluate the overall visual acuity changes and the macular hole closure rates. These cases were then compared with historical controls that also underwent surgical repair as well as those undergoing observation only. Results: Over a 10- year period, 2 cases that met the search criteria were identified (Patient A and B). Hole closure was obtained in 1 of 2 cases, with both cases requiring multiple procedures. Patient A is a 58 year-old woman with a VA OS of 20/400 and an OCT illustrating a macular hole greater than 500 microns, who underwent 3 surgical repairs including ILM peel without hole closure. Patient B is a 62 year-old gentlemen who presented with VA OD 20/200 and a macular hole of 320 microns, and underwent 5 surgical interventions with eventual hole closure. Overall, final visual acuity was unchanged in these cases. Six prior cases undergoing surgical repair have been reported in the literature. In 3 of these cases, the holes closed while in 3 cases the hole remained open. In addition, 3 cases had improved vision while 2 had no vision changes and the 3rd had reduced vision post-operatively. In those cases undergoing observation only, visual acuity tends to remain stable over time. Conclusions: Surgical intervention for MacTel and FTMH may not provide visual acuity benefit. Eyes with mactel tend to have stable visual acuity even with the development of a FTMH as the mechanism of hole formation is probably degenerative in nature rather than tractional with lateral separation of the photoreceptors and loss of Mueller cell structural support. Unless visual acuity decreases dramatically or definite vitreo-macular traction is noted, surgical intervention may not be beneficial.
机译:目的:报告特发性近中眼黄道黄斑部毛细血管扩张症(MacTel)接受小规模玻璃体切除术并用填塞术治疗全厚度黄斑裂孔(FTMH)的眼睛的视觉和解剖学结果方法:所有诊断为MacTel和FTMH的成人患者的病历对在凯西眼科研究所(Casey Eye Institute)于2003年至2013年间被诊断出患有外科手术的人进行了回顾。获得了术前和术后的数据,包括视力和OCT成像,以评估总体视力变化和黄斑裂孔闭合率。然后将这些病例与同样经过手术修复以及仅接受观察的历史对照进行比较。结果:在10年的时间里,发现了2例符合搜索标准的病例(患者A和B)。 2例中有1例获得了闭孔,这两种情况都需要多次手术。病人A是一名58岁的妇女,其VA OS为20/400,OCT显示黄斑裂孔大于500微米,接受了3次手术修复,包括无孔闭合的ILM剥离。患者B是一位62岁的绅士,他们出现VA OD 20/200和黄斑裂孔为320微米,并接受了5次外科手术并最终封堵了孔。总体而言,这些情况下的最终视力没有变化。文献中已有六例接受手术修复的病例报道。在其中3种情况下,孔关闭,而在3种情况下,孔保持打开。此外,3例患者的视力得到改善,2例患者无视力改变,3例患者术后视力下降。仅在进行观察的情况下,视力往往会随着时间的推移保持稳定。结论:MacTel和FTMH的手术干预可能无法提供视力改善。即使是FTMH的发展,具有金黄色的眼睛也往往具有稳定的视敏度,因为孔形成的机制本质上可能是退化性的,而不是由于感光器的横向分离和Mueller细胞结构支撑的丧失而具有牵引力。除非视力急剧下降或明确的玻璃体-黄斑牵引力,否则手术干预可能无济于事。



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