首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Science and Technology >The Idea of the System of Philosophy in Hegel’s Works

The Idea of the System of Philosophy in Hegel’s Works




The article presents an integrated reconstruction of Hegel’s philosophy, in the process of which the place and the function of the thinker’s major conceptual constructions are established. During problem solving the key role of the concept of infinity in Hegel’s philosophy is proved and the importance of The Phenomenology of Spirit in the system of philosophy is revealed. Until now, Science of Logic as the first element of the encyclopedic system often has been the subject of analysis for the researchers who were trying to understand the structure of the Hegelian system. The Phenomenology of Spirit, by contrast, was usually considered beyond Hegelian system projects as a “separate” (“early”) work. The analysis of systemic importance of The Phenomenology of Spirit involves identifying the specificity of the phenomenological thingness and the description of its structure. For the first time in the world of historical and philosophical literature the analysis of its own structure of The Phenomenology of Spirit is carried out based on the concept of “true infinity”, herewith in accordance with the specificity of phenomenological experience subject there are three phenomenological narrative “circles”. Reconstruction of the process of formation in the course of the phenomenological movement of speculative thingness ending with the “infinity” as an adequate expression of its structure allows revealing the principle of the philosophical knowledge organization in the system of Hegel’s philosophy and determining the attitude of Logic to actual philosophy, that is, solving the main problem of the “encyclopedic system”. The article also presents the analysis of Science of Logic in terms of how it describes the process of “implementation” (“deepening”) of speculative thingness, thus outlining the main stages of the method evolution in Logic motion.



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