首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics: Conference Series >The effectiveness of collaborative strategy based on multiple intelligences in chemistry learning to improve students' problem-solving skill and multiple intelligences

The effectiveness of collaborative strategy based on multiple intelligences in chemistry learning to improve students' problem-solving skill and multiple intelligences




This research aims to reveal: (1) the feasibility of collaborative learning strategy (henceforth CLS) based on multiple intelligences (MI) in chemistry learning; (2) the effectiveness of CLS based on MI (CLS-MI) to improve students' problem solving (PS) skill, multiple intelligences/MI (interpersonal, visual-spatial, and logical-mathematical), and students' achievement in chemistry. This research applied Research & Development method using 4D model. As many as 210 students from 3 public schools in Banjarmasin were involved in this study. The effectiveness of the strategy was evaluated using pre-test-post-test control group design. The experimental class implemented CLS-MI, while the control class used conventional strategy. The data were collected using test, observation, & questionnaires, and were analyzed using descriptive and t-test. The results indicated that (1) the CLS-MI is feasible to be used in chemistry with the practicability score of 51.5 (very practical); (2) Students' PS skill and MI in the experimental class improved higher. Three categories of students' PS skill exist in the experimental class; develop (25%), develop well (47,2%) and develop very well (27.8%). Interpersonal, logical-mathematical, and visual-spatial intelligences improved respectively by 17.8%, 8.3%, and 3.8%. (3) The students in the experimental class achieved better in learning chemistry with the N-gain 0.77 (high).
机译:这项研究旨在揭示:(1)基于多元智能(MI)的化学学习合作学习策略(以下简称CLS)的可行性; (2)基于MI的CLS(CLS-MI)可以提高学生的解决问题(PS)技能,多元智能/ MI(人际,视觉空间和逻辑数学)以及学生在化学方面的成就的有效性。本研究应用了采用4D模型的研发方法。来自Banjarmasin的3所公立学校的210名学生参与了这项研究。使用测试前-测试后对照组设计评估该策略的有效性。实验班采用CLS-MI,而对照班采用常规策略。使用测试,观察和问卷调查收集数据,并使用描述性和t检验进行分析。结果表明:(1)CLS-MI在化学中的可行性为51.5(非常实用)。 (2)实验班学生的PS技能和MI有所提高。实验班学生分为三类:发展(25%),发展良好(47.2%)和发展良好(27.8%)。人际关系,逻辑数学和视觉空间智能分别提高了17.8%,8.3%和3.8%。 (3)实验班学生的化学学习成绩达到N增益0.77(高)。



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