首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International >Check List of the Flora of Barakat Area (Gazira State) Sudan

Check List of the Flora of Barakat Area (Gazira State) Sudan




Here we present results of a study of floristic composition, carried out at the Barakat Area, Gazira State, Sudan. Plant specimens were collected randomly from different habitat during two field surveys. Samples were prepared and deposited in the Herbarium of Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum. We identified 127 species of angiosperm belonging to 43 botanical families. From these, 110 species were dicotyledons from 36 families; with Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Mimosaceae, Convolvulaceae and Caesalpinaceae as the most richest-in- species families. Regarding the monocotyledons, there were found 17 plant species belonging to 7 families with Poaceae and Cyperaceae as the most representitive families. The less frequent families were: Polygonaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Vitaceae, Cleomaceae and Commelinaceae. Parasitic plant belonging to the families Loranthaceae and Scrophulariaceae were also recorded. In summary the flora consisted of 26 trees, 15 shrubs, 81 herbs and 5 climbers . Euphorbia was the most common genus with 4 species followed by Acacia with 3 species. The cultivated species represented 21.3% of the total flora, while the indigenous flora represented 78.7%. The vegetation of Barakat area can be described as dominated by: Acacia nubica Benth., Ziziphus spina-christi (L). Willd, Calotropis procera (Aiton) R.Br., Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd.exDelile. This study will contributes positively to regional florestic knowledge of the Sudan and stimulate further studies on the flora of Sudan.
机译:在这里,我们介绍了在苏丹加兹拉州巴拉卡特地区进行的植物区系组成研究的结果。在两次现场调查中,从不同的栖息地随机采集了植物标本。样品被制备并沉积在喀土穆大学理学院植物标本室。我们鉴定出属于43个植物科的127种被子植物。从这些物种中,有36个科的110个双子叶植物。豆科,大戟科,含羞草科,旋花科和凯撒科是物种最丰富的科。关于单子叶植物,发现了属于7个科的17种植物,其中禾本科和莎草科是最具代表性的科。较不常见的科是:gon科,马兜铃科,t科,粘菌科和菊科。还记录了属于伞形科和玄参科的寄生植物。总之,植物群由26棵树,15株灌木,81种草药和5个登山者组成。大戟属是最常见的属,有4种,其次是相思属,有3种。栽培种占总植物的21.3%,而本土植物占78.7%。巴拉卡特地区的植被可以描述为:西洋相思(Lip)。 Willd,Calotropis procera(Aiton)R.Br.,Acacia nilotica(L.)Willd.exDelile。这项研究将对苏丹的区域植物学知识作出积极贡献,并促进对苏丹植物区系的进一步研究。



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