首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Effect of Using an Educational Website in Achievement of Bachelor Students in the Course of Basic Concepts in Mathematics at Al al-Bayt University

The Effect of Using an Educational Website in Achievement of Bachelor Students in the Course of Basic Concepts in Mathematics at Al al-Bayt University




The study aimed to detect the effect of using an educational site on the Internet in the collection of bachelor's students in the course of basic concepts in mathematics at Al al-Bayt University, and the study sample consisted of all students in the course basic concepts in mathematics in the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 and the number (60 ) students, has been divided into two groups control group (30) and experimental (30) and randomly, studied the first officer in the traditional manner, and studied experimental second using an educational site on the Internet, was given two test achievement, after the end of the trial period, was to make sure validity and reliability of achievement testing, the study found the following results: There were statistically significant differences (α≤ 0.05) in the collection of undergraduate students in the course of basic concepts in mathematics at Al al-Bayt University attributable to the method of teaching and in favor of educational site on the Internet. There are also significant differences (α≤ 0.05) in the collection of bachelor's students in the course of basic concepts in mathematics at Al al-Bayt University, attributed to the sex variable in favor of females. No statistically significant differences (α≤ 0.05) in the collection of bachelor's students in the course of basic concepts in mathematics at Al al-Bayt University, attributed to the interaction between teaching method and sex of the students. In light of these findings the researcher recommends the adoption of a number of recommendations.
机译:该研究旨在检测在Al al-Bayt大学数学基础概念课程中使用互联网上的教育网站对学士学位学生的影响,研究样本包括所有在基础课程中学习的学生。 2014/2015学年第一学期的数学和学生人数(60),分为对照组(30)和实验组(30)两组,并以传统方式随机学习副驾驶,使用互联网上的教育网站进行的实验第二次,获得了两个测试成绩,在试用期结束后,为了确保成绩测试的有效性和可靠性,研究发现以下结果:统计学上存在显着差异(α≤ 0.05)在Al-Bayt大学数学基本概念课程中的本科生中,归因于教学方法和有利于教育互联网上的网站。在Al-Bayt大学数学的基本概念课程中,学士学位学生的集合也存在显着差异(α≤0.05),这归因于有利于女性的性别变量。在Al-Bayt大学数学的基本概念课程中,学士学位学生的集合在统计学上无显着差异(α≤0.05),这归因于教学方法和学生性别之间的相互作用。根据这些发现,研究人员建议采用许多建议。



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