首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Understanding of Foreign Language Learning of Generation Y

Understanding of Foreign Language Learning of Generation Y




Different generations are constituted depending on social changes and they are designed sociologically as traditional, baby boomer, X, Y and Z. Many studies have been reported on understanding of foreign language learning generation Y. This study aims to realise the gap in and contribute to the research on language learning understanding of generation Y born between 1980 and 1999 and studying at the university. The participants of the study consist of students in the department of foreign languages at Atatürk University. 85 randomly selected respondents were conducted a survey consisting of 9 close-ended questions based on Stern and Rubin foreign language learning profile. The data collected were analyzed by SPSS 15.0 program and the results were explicated by means of descriptive analysis. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was found 0,822 for the items in the questionnaire. The results offer that generation Y shows positive distinction in know-how and ability to learn, conversely that they have difficulties in learning and skills at verbal expression and comprehension. The findings showed that a generation Y shows a profile self-confident, tolerant, open to experiences, efficient in solving problems and able to act independently in foreign language learning. Although enthusiastic to communicate in a foreign language, the generation has difficulties in speaking language.
机译:根据社会的变化,构成了不同的世代,它们在社会学上被设计为传统的婴儿潮一代,X,Y和Z。关于理解外语学习一代Y的研究已有许多报道。该研究旨在认识到外来学习并为之做出贡献。 Y一代在1980年至1999年之间出生并就读于大学的语言学习理解研究。该研究的参与者包括阿塔图尔克大学外语系的学生。根据Stern和Rubin外语学习资料,对85位随机选择的受访者进行了包括9个封闭问题的调查。通过SPSS 15.0程序分析收集的数据,并通过描述性分析来阐明结果。调查问卷中的项目的Cronbach Alpha系数为0,822。结果表明,Y一代在专有技术和学习能力上表现出积极的区别,相反,他们在语言表达和理解方面的学习和技能方面存在困难。研究结果表明,Y一代显示出自信,宽容,开放的经验,能有效解决问题并能够在外语学习中独立行动。尽管热衷于使用外语进行交流,但这一代人在说语言方面有困难。



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