首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Structuring Team Teaching to Enhance Teaching and Learning of Literature-in English and English Language in Secondary Schools

Structuring Team Teaching to Enhance Teaching and Learning of Literature-in English and English Language in Secondary Schools




The prospects of team teaching in enhancing language teaching and learning in the secondary school was examined. An integrated framework with a structural paradigm [T??LI?T?] proposed by Kamai & Badaki (2011) was adopted as a framework for the study. The data was derived from a pre-intervention test [T?] where seven (7) English language teachers of Concordia College, Yola, Nigeria were constructively assessed while teaching English language and Literature in English in their various classes and the performance of students in pre and post Language Intervention [LI] tests. A post-test[T?] indicated that team teaching was responsible for the enhanced performance of students. Equally, the results of the teacher evaluation show that team teaching provides opportunity for teachers to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The study concludes that team teaching is a relevant technique for enhancing the teaching and learning of English and literature in the secondary schools.
机译:考察了团队教学在中学语言教学中的应用前景。由Kamai&Badaki(2011)提出的带有结构范式[T ?? LI?T?]的集成框架被用作研究框架。数据来自干预前的测试[T?],其中尼日利亚(Y尼日利亚)康考迪亚学院(Concordia College)的七(7)名英语教师在各个班级教授英语和文学的同时,对他们的表现进行了有建设性的评估。语言干预[LI]之前和之后的测试。测验后[T?]表明,团队教学是提高学生表现的原因。同样,教师评估的结果表明,团队教学为教师提供了机会来确定自己的长处和短处。研究得出结论,团队教学是增强中学英语和文学教学的一种相关技术。



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