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Richards S. Peters’ Concept of Education and the Educated Man: Implications for Leadership Recruitment in Nigeria

机译:理查兹·彼得斯(Richards S. Peters)的教育观念和受过教育的人:对尼日利亚领导力招聘的启示



This paper examines Richards S. Peter’s concept of education and the educated man as a template for leadership recruitment in Nigeria. The purpose is to determine the extent to which ascension into political leadership positions in Nigeria conforms to such conception especially against the background of the general belief that greatness of a nation is a product of its educational attainment. However, the paper through content analyses observes that political leadership in Nigeria from independence up to the present has fallen short of the criteria of education and the marks of an educated man. Hence, the manifest relegation of the concept and what it stands for. The paper concludes that the observance of these criteria in breach rather than in compliance inadvertently foregrounds godfatherism in political participation while serving as precursor to the various absurdities confronting the country. To achieve the objectives of this paper, it is hereby recommended that leadership recruitment is a challenge and should be for the truly educated as prescribed by R. S. Peters. Keywords: Richards S. Peters, Education, Educated Man, Leadership, Nigeria.
机译:本文考察了理查兹·彼得(Richards S. Peter)的教育观念和受过教育的人,以此作为尼日利亚领导力招聘的模板。目的是确定在尼日利亚提升为政治领导职位的程度与这种构想相符的程度,尤其是在人们普遍认为一个国家的伟大是其受教育程度的产物的普遍背景下。但是,本文通过内容分析发现,从独立到现在,尼日利亚的政治领导层均达不到教育标准和受过良好教育的人的标志。因此,该概念及其含义的明显降级。该论文的结论是,违反这些标准而不是遵守这些标准会无意中将教父主义引入政治参与,同时又是该国面临的各种荒谬行为的先驱。为了实现本文的目标,特此建议,领导才能的招聘是一项挑战,应该针对R. S. Peters规定的真正受过教育的人。关键字:Richards S. Peters,教育,有教养的人,领导力,尼日利亚。



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