首页> 外文期刊>Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry >John W. Burbidge: 'Real Process. How Logic and Chemistry Combine in Hegel's Philosophy',

John W. Burbidge: 'Real Process. How Logic and Chemistry Combine in Hegel's Philosophy',

机译:John W. Burbidge:“真实过程。黑格尔哲学中逻辑与化学的结合方式”,



Hegel's philosophy of nature and in par-ticular his philosophy of the chemical process seemed to be antiquated soon af-ter its appearance. Some of his state-ments were picked out and exposed as grotesque mistakes. This led to the bad reputation of the idealistic philosophy of nature and to the opinion that idealistic speculative thought should have no rele-vance to a science such as chemistry and could at best be regarded as an outdated historical curiosity. Not only natural sci-entists who principally opposed philoso-phy of nature but also philosophers who reproduced and paraphrased the obscure passages in Hegel's Science of Logic and Encyclopaedia contributed to that bad reputation. It was not before the 1970s that the prejudice against Hegel's puta-tive incompetence in the natural sciences of his time was removed. In 1976, von Engelhardt published his pioneering book H egel und die Chemie
机译:黑格尔的自然哲学,尤其是他的化学过程哲学似乎在其出现后不久就过时了。他的某些陈述被挑出来并暴露为怪诞的错误。这导致了自然的唯心主义哲学的声誉不佳,并认为唯心主义的思辨思想不应该与诸如化学之类的科学有关,至多被认为是过时的历史好奇心。不仅主要反对自然哲学的自然科学主义者,而且是复制和解释黑格尔《逻辑科学与百科全书》中晦涩段落的哲学家,都为这一不良声誉做出了贡献。直到1970年代,才消除了对黑格尔当时的自然科学中无能为力的偏见。 1976年,冯·恩格哈特(von Engelhardt)出版了他的开创性著作《化学与化学》。



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