首页> 外文期刊>Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry >'Logic and chemistry in Hegel’s philosophy

'Logic and chemistry in Hegel’s philosophy




Hegel's chef-d'.uvre, the Science of Logic, contains a section on 'measure'. As 'measure' unites the two categories 'quality' and 'quantity', it is a key aspect for determining qualitative and quantitative objects, and hence is the decisive category for natural sciences. In the chemical passages of this sec-tion, Hegel took concepts from chemistry (for example 'elective attraction'), changed their function, and converted them into categories of logic. In this paper, the relationship between the development of categories by reflecting reason and the chemical material cited for this development is discussed. He-gel claimed that the chemical material presupposed in the logical development could be replaced with specified proportions of measures, derived from devel-oping and specifying the category 'measure'. This claim is criticized
机译:黑格尔的chef-d'.uvre,《逻辑科学》,包含有关“测量”的部分。由于“度量”将“质量”和“数量”两个类别结合在一起,因此它是确定定性和定量对象的关键方面,因此是自然科学的决定性类别。在本节的化学段落中,黑格尔从化学中汲取了一些概念(例如“选择性吸引”),改变了它们的功能,并将其转换为逻辑类别。本文讨论了反映原因的类别发展与为此发展所引用的化学物质之间的关系。 He-gel声称,逻辑发展中预设的化学材料可以用特定比例的措施代替,这些比例应从开发和指定“措施”类别中得出。该说法遭到批评



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