首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >1967-1995: a tu per tu con l'uomo grande. Ricordi di un'amicizia asimmetrica: da una parte un giovane in crescita vorace, dall'altra un uomo di molte esperienze, più interessante perfino della sua opera=1967-1995 : face to face with a big man

1967-1995: a tu per tu con l'uomo grande. Ricordi di un'amicizia asimmetrica: da una parte un giovane in crescita vorace, dall'altra un uomo di molte esperienze, più interessante perfino della sua opera=1967-1995 : face to face with a big man

机译:1967-1995:与大个子面对面。不对称友谊的回忆:一方面是一个贪婪的成长中的年轻人,另一方面是一个有很多经验的人,甚至比他的工作更有趣= 1967-1995:与一个大男人面对面



1967-1995 : face to face with a big man. Hugo Pratt entered the lives of more than a generation of Italians as a reference point. The opportunity to meet face to face a person of public interest and to spend time with him along nearly three decades justifies a narrative, inevitably autobiographical text. It is a series of memories about an asymmetric friendship, which saw on one side a growing young man, and a man of considerable experience, a man even more interesting than his work, on the other side. It is a way to introduce and contextualize the personage of Pratt in those specific times which saw him so powerfully imposing himself on the Italian and international comics scene. These personal memories may make it easier to understand who the creator of Corto Maltese was.
机译:1967-1995:与一个大男人面对面。雨果·普拉特(Hugo Pratt)作为参考点进入了超过一代意大利人的生活。与公众见面并与他相处近三十年的机会是叙事的,不可避免的自传文本的理由。这是关于不对称友谊的一系列回忆,一方面是一个成长中的年轻人,另一个是经验丰富的人,另一个是比他的工作更有趣的人。这是一种在特定时期介绍普拉特人物并对其进行情境化的方法,这使他如此有力地将自己强加于意大利和国际漫画界。这些个人记忆可能使人们更容易了解谁是Corto Maltese的创造者。



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