首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >La terza gamba del tavolo umano. Una riflessione su mito e sinistra a partire da Mitocrazia di Yves Citton = The third leg of the human table. A reflection about myth and the Left starting from Mitocrazia by Yves Citton

La terza gamba del tavolo umano. Una riflessione su mito e sinistra a partire da Mitocrazia di Yves Citton = The third leg of the human table. A reflection about myth and the Left starting from Mitocrazia by Yves Citton

机译:人桌的第三条腿。伊夫·西顿(Yves Citton)=从人类的第三条腿开始,从线裂开始,对神话和左边进行了反思。伊夫·西顿(Yves Citton)从线裂开始的关于神话和左派的反思



The third leg of the human table. A reflection about myth and the Left starting from Mitocrazia by Yves Citton. Starting from the recent book Mythocratie, written by Yves Citton, the essay tries to comprehend the relationship between myth (and generally the narrative dimension of human rationality) and politics, deconstructing the common idea about sort of a necessary connection between mythology and right wing. Moving through the philosophical categories of different thinkers, the reflection goes from the anthropological dimension of our narrative cognitive structures through the construction of mythological political horizons to the unavoidable duty of thinking a left-wing way of using myth without losing a critical and enlightened tension
机译:人桌的第三条腿。伊夫·西顿(Yves Citton)从线足症开始,对神话和左派进行了反思。从伊夫·西顿(Yves Citton)的最新著作《神话》(Mythocratie)开始,本文试图理解神话(通常是人类理性的叙事维度)与政治之间的关系,从而破坏了关于神话与右翼之间某种必要联系的普遍观念。穿越不同思想家的哲学范畴,反思从我们叙事认知结构的人类学维度到神话政治视野的建构,再到不可避免的义务,即在不失去批判性和开悟性张力的情况下思考使用神话的左翼方式




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