首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Per una mitologia critica. La favola della realtà e la realtà della favola = For a critical mithology. The fable of the reality and the reality of the fable

Per una mitologia critica. La favola della realtà e la realtà della favola = For a critical mithology. The fable of the reality and the reality of the fable




Myth has long been regarded as something, which is not capable of grabbing the traditional notion of truth. Hans Blumenberg defined this pre-comprehension, which denies every legitimacy to the mythical apparatus, “absolutism of reality”. Because of this historical and theoretical prejudice, the Truth seems to have forgotten its proper history: it has implicitly denied the narration of its own history, backing out of the practice of tale and fable. The Truth, in short, denies of being subjected to an historical transformation which characterizes the essence of Myth. Here is why we are dealing with an ideological removal of a mythical content which consists in a process of continuous metamorphosis, namely in the everlasting capacity of identification and transformation of the whole reality. In this regard, in order to call into question an idea of truth which removes reality from its own original essence, we can focus on Nietzsche’s analysis of both Truth and Fable. From On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense until The Twilight of the Idols, the German philosopher has been able to underline the false nature of the traditional idea of Truth by giving new life, in spite of the absolutism of reality, to the vital dynamics of possibility.
机译:长期以来,神话一直被认为是无法抓住传统真理观念的东西。汉斯·布鲁门伯格(Hans Blumenberg)定义了这种预先理解,它否认了神话机器“现实的绝对主义”的一切合法性。由于这种历史和理论上的偏见,真相似乎忘记了它的正确历史:它暗中否认了自己历史的叙述,退出了故事和寓言的实践。简而言之,真相否认经历了代表着神话本质的历史变迁。这就是为什么我们要在意识形态上去除神话内容的原因,其中包括不断变态的过程,即永恒的识别和改造整个现实的能力。在这方面,为了质疑将现实从其原始本质中剔除的真理概念,我们可以集中关注尼采对真理和寓言的分析。从“非道德意义上的真相与谎言”到“偶像的暮光之城”,德国哲学家尽管赋予了现实一种绝对的现实,却赋予了新生命以生命活力,从而得以强调传统真理观的虚假本质的可能性。



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