首页> 外文期刊>The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine >Han, Jung, Chang, Moon, Kim, Shim, Jung, Kim, Bae, Kim, Lee, and Park: Identification of distinctive clinical significance in hospitalized patients with endoscopic duodenal mucosal lesions

Han, Jung, Chang, Moon, Kim, Shim, Jung, Kim, Bae, Kim, Lee, and Park: Identification of distinctive clinical significance in hospitalized patients with endoscopic duodenal mucosal lesions




Background/Aims Duodenitis is not infrequent finding in patient undergoing endoscopy. However, hospitalized patients have a higher incidence of secondary duodenal mucosal lesions that might be related with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, tuberculosis, immunologic disorders, or other rare infections. We aimed to identify clinicopathologic features of duodenal mucosal lesions in hospitalized patients. Methods All hospitalized patients having duodenal mucosal lesions were identified by endoscopic registration data and pathologic data query from 2011 to 2014. The diagnostic index was designed to be sensitive; however, a detailed review of medical record and endoscopic findings was undertaken to improve specificity. Secondary duodenal lesion was defined as having specific reason to explain the duodenal lesion. Results Among 6,334 hospitalized patients have undergone upper endoscopy, endoscopic duodenal mucosal lesions was detected in 475 patients. Secondary duodenal lesions was 21 patients (4.4%) and the most frequent secondary cause was IBD (n = 7). The mean age of secondary group was significantly lower than that in primary group (42.3 ± 18.9 years vs. 58.5 ± 16.8 years, p = 0.00), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were less frequently used in secondary group, but there was no differences of gender or presence of Helicobacter pylori . The involvement of distal part of duodenum including postbulbitis or panduodenitis was more frequently detected in secondary group than in primary group. By multivariate regression analysis, younger age of 29 years and the disease extent were significant predictors for the secondary mucosal lesions. Conclusions Secondary duodenal mucosal lesions with different pathophysiology, such as IBD or CMV infection, are rare. Disease extent and age seems the most distinctive feature of secondary duodenal mucosal lesions.
机译:背景/目的经内镜检查的患者并非经常发现十二指肠炎。但是,住院患者的继发十二指肠粘膜病变发生率较高,可能与炎症性肠病(IBD),巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染,结核病,免疫系统疾病或其他罕见感染有关。我们旨在确定住院患者十二指肠粘膜病变的临床病理特征。方法对2011年至2014年经十二指肠粘膜病变住院的所有患者进行内镜检查和病理资料查询。但是,对病历和内窥镜检查结果进行了详细审查以提高特异性。继发十二指肠病变被定义为有特定原因来解释十二指肠病变。结果6 334例住院内镜检查患者中,有475例内镜十二指肠粘膜病变。十二指肠继发病变为21例(4.4%),最常见的继发原因为IBD(n = 7)。次要组的平均年龄显着低于主要组(42.3±18.9岁和58.5±16.8岁,p = 0.00),并且非甾体类抗炎药在次要组中使用较少,但没有差异性别或幽门螺杆菌的存在。次要组比原发组更频繁地发现十二指肠远端包括球后炎或十二指肠炎。通过多因素回归分析,年龄小于29岁和疾病程度是继发性粘膜病变的重要预测指标。结论继发性十二指肠粘膜病变具有不同的病理生理学特征,如IBD或CMV感染。疾病程度和年龄似乎是继发十二指肠粘膜病变的最明显特征。



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