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A Milestone in the Milestones Movement: the JGME Milestones Supplement




Milestone: 1. A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point. 2. An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point.1;Background The United States health care system and graduate medical education are undergoing intense and inter-dependent transformation. The Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 2001 Crossing the Quality Chasm report2 argued that the U.S. health care delivery system failed to provide consistent, high quality medical care and was poorly organized to meet the changing public health landscape. In response, health care systems, providers, and payers have embarked on a journey to reach the “Triple Aims” of better care for individuals, better health for populations, and reducing per capita health care costs. Reforms underway in health care payment structures will likely have major, not yet fully understood effects on U.S. health care and graduate medical education (GME).3 In 1997 the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medicine Education (ACGME) initiated the Outcome Project. Paralleling the IOM focus on quality and safety, the Outcome Project shifted GME's focus from processes towards trainee and program performance. During this period numerous other forces, including duty hour limits and new technologies, shaped GME. As a result, GME training has become increasingly complex in content, program requirements, and assessment modalities. These developments have forced programs to greatly expand administration supports. The administrative burden on designated institutional officials, program directors, and faculty may threaten teaching efforts and resident learning. The administrative load has been compounded by increased financial burdens on institutions during this era of health care reform; these are likely to worsen if funding for GME declines. In response to this “perfect storm,” GME educators and researchers created new paradigms to frame training with the goal of graduating physicians able to provide high quality, safe, and cost-effective care. The Outcome Project introduced specialty-defined physician competencies aggregated into 6 general areas, which recognized that physician competence entails multiple domains.4 Identification of specialty-specific competencies spurred development of tools to measure them, which has met with mixed success.5 As the number of subcompetencies expanded, each requiring assessment, efforts to describe the typical progression of physician competence led to the concepts of educational milestones and entrustable professional activities (EPAs). ten Cate and Scheele advanced EPAs as a way to describe the essential characteristics of independent practitioners, which could guide decisions regarding resident independence.6,7 A key tenet of competency-based education is that proficiency progresses on a continuum within each specialty-specific domain.4 As a result several specialties have developed educational milestones to create a blueprint for trainee progress during residency.8 In the most basic explanation, the milestones add a timeline and benchmarks to resident progression towards independent practice. In assigning a timeline to the milestones, some specialties have employed a framework for acquisition of expertise, such as the 5-level Dreyfus and Dreyfus model (novice, beginner, competent, proficient, expert).9,10 Others have determined the point during residency at which an individual milestone should usually be achieved.9,10;Milestones Development In July 2013, the next phase of the ACGME Outcome Project begins for 7 specialties through the Next Accreditation System (NAS).11 These NAS Phase I specialties have modified existing milestones or created new milestones to fit the NAS reporting requirements, which include reporting of performance every 6?months. Reporting requirements will be implemented for Phase II specialties in July 2014.11 As originally conceived, milesto
机译:里程碑:1.在路边设置的石头标记,用于指示距给定点的距离(以英里为单位)。 2.重要事件,如个人的职业,国家的历史或领域的知识发展; 1;背景美国的医疗保健体系和研究生医学教育正在经历着相互依存的激烈变革。美国医学研究所(IOM)的2001年《跨越质量鸿沟》报告2指出,美国的医疗保健提供系统无法提供稳定,优质的医疗保健,并且组织不善,无法适应不断变化的公共卫生格局。作为回应,医疗保健系统,提供者和付款人已踏上了实现“三重目标”的旅程,即为个人提供更好的护理,为人民提供更好的健康并降低人均医疗费用。正在进行的医疗保健支付结构改革可能会对美国医疗保健和研究生医学教育(GME)产生重大但尚未完全了解的影响。31997年,研究生医学教育认证委员会(ACGME)发起了成果项目。与IOM对质量和安全的关注并驾齐驱,结果项目将GME的重点从流程转移到了受训人员和计划绩效上。在此期间,许多其他因素(包括工作时间限制和新技术)影响了GME。结果,GME培训的内容,计划要求和评估方式变得越来越复杂。这些发展迫使程序大大扩展了管理支持。指定机构官员,项目负责人和教职员工的行政负担可能会威胁到教学工作和居民学习。在这个医疗改革时代,机构的财务负担增加了行政负担。如果用于GME的资金减少,则这些情况可能会恶化。为了应对这一“完美风暴”,GME教育者和研究人员创建了新的范例来构架培训,其目标是让能够毕业的医生能够提供高质量,安全且具有成本效益的护理。成果项目将专业定义的医师能力引入了6个总体领域,这些领域认识到医师能力涉及多个领域。4识别特定于专家的能力刺激了开发工具以对其进行衡量,并取得了喜人的成功。5子能力的扩展,每个都需要评估,描述医生能力的典型进展的努力导致了教育里程碑和可委托的专业活动(EPA)的概念。十个Cate和Scheele先进的EPA来描述独立从业者的基本特征,可以指导有关居民独立性的决策。6,7基于能力的教育的主要原则是,每个专业领域内的连续性都在不断发展.4结果,几个专业制定了教育里程碑,以为实习期间实习生的进步创造蓝图。8在最基本的解释中,里程碑为居民朝着独立实践的发展添加了时间表和基准。在为里程碑划定时间表时,一些专业采用了获取专业知识的框架,例如5级Dreyfus和Dreyfus模型(新手,初学者,称职,熟练,专家)。9,10其他人确定了这一点。 9、10;里程碑的发展2013年7月,ACGME成果项目的下一阶段通过下一个认证系统(NAS)开始用于7个专业。11这些NAS阶段I的专业已经过修改现有里程碑或创建新的里程碑以符合NAS报告要求,其中包括每6个月报告一次性能。报告要求将于2014年7月开始实施,用于第二阶段专业。11



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