首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Surgery >Improving The Receptivity Of Students During An Anatomy Course Using Pedagogical Innovations

Improving The Receptivity Of Students During An Anatomy Course Using Pedagogical Innovations




Introduction: Despite the many changes that anatomy has experienced in recent decades, it remains a fundamental discipline for physicians and surgeons. However, it must continually adapt to the context of modern pedagogy.Purpose: to improve learning and interest of medical students in anatomy, we collected their opinion about innovations to make in teaching methods of that discipline.Materials and methods: at the end of the academic year, an anonymous questionnaire was used to collect the opinion of students of first and second year. Medical students gave their point of views about formal magisterial courses, computer assisted teaching, examinations, praticals and laboratory dissections.Results: medical students prefer live discussions during the last 30 minutes of the lesson, availability of all course materials on the website of the university, diversity of assessment techniques, improved learning materials during laboratory teaching and dissections, and varying pedagogical materials.Conclusion: With some pedagogical innovations and improvement of learning material it is possible to increase the receptivity of medical students to anatomy teaching. Introduction The gross anatomy is the cornerstone in the modern medical curriculum. Despite the changes currently affecting anatomy departments in many medical schools it remains a fundamental discipline for the training of all surgeons [1]. Learning anatomy and understanding the body's structures in relation to its functions have for centuries been the foundation of medical studies. The methods used to teach anatomy have changed significantly in recent decades and the advent of new technologies offers other possibilities to explore the anatomy of the human body.Despite the interest of these new methods, in West Africa and Senegal many factors affect the teaching of anatomy [2]. The environment in which we operate is unfavorable and delays the development of an optimal pedagogy, even using traditional methods. The aim of this study is to report the proposals of medical students to improve anatomy teaching at the Faculty of Medicine of Saint-Louis in Senegal. Material and methods By the end of the academic year, we used an anonymous questionnaire to collect the opinion of first and second year students. The investigation focused on the anatomy taught between October 2012 and March 2013. Students were asked to express their opinions about formal magisterial courses, computer assisted teaching, examinations and laboratory teaching. A space was provided for observations and free comments. Data were collected using SPSS and Microsoft Excel software. Results Seventy-five of 88 students in total (85.2%) responded to the questionnaire. In L1 (first year or License 1), 44 of 55 students (80%) completed the questionnaire. In L2 (second year or License 2), 31 of 33 students (94%) completed the questionnaire.About formal magisterial courses, 89.3% of students felt that the course objectives were useful. For 73.3% of them PowerPoint presentations do not facilitate understanding of the course. 32% of students feel that drawings on the blackboard or handouts are difficult to reproduce. 86.7% of them think that the anatomy course should be held preferably in the morning. For 93.3% of them it is important to book the last 30 minutes for discussion.54.7% of students felt that handouts should be made ??available to students on the university website, and for 84% of them the self-assessment tests are required. Students request to vary the type of question during the examination (72%), and to provide exercises on the website (93.3%). The tests shall include anatomy drawings for 78.7% of them, and for 84% they must necessarily be based on course objectives.For 97.3% of students, praticals and tutorials in the laboratory are useful for understanding and even more important than formal magisterial courses for 61.3% of them. 54.7% think that visits to the anatomy laboratory are not well organized, and for
机译:简介:尽管最近几十年来解剖学经历了许多变化,但它仍然是医师和外科医生的基本学科。但是,它必须不断适应现代教育学的背景。目的:为了提高医学生对解剖学的学习和兴趣,我们收集了他们对创新的看法,以创新该学科的教学方法。材料和方法:最后在学年中,使用匿名调查表收集第一年和第二年学生的意见。医学生对正规治安课程,计算机辅助教学,考试,实用和实验室解剖提出了自己的观点。结果:医学生更喜欢在课程的最后30分钟进行现场讨论,可在大学网站上获得所有课程资料,评估技术的多样性,实验室教学和解剖过程中学习材料的改进以及教学材料的变化。结论:通过一些教学方面的创新和学习材料的改进,可以提高医学生对解剖学教学的接受度。简介大体解剖是现代医学课程的基石。尽管当前变化影响着许多医学院的解剖学系,但它仍然是培训所有外科医生的基本学科[1]。几个世纪以来,学习解剖学并了解人体结构与功能的关系一直是医学研究的基础。在最近的几十年中,用于解剖学的方法发生了巨大变化,新技术的出现为探索人体解剖学提供了其他可能性。尽管这些新方法引起人们的兴趣,但在西非和塞内加尔,许多因素影响了解剖学的教学。 [2]。即使在使用传统方法的情况下,我们所处的环境也是不利的,并且延迟了最佳教学法的开发。这项研究的目的是报告塞内加尔圣路易医学院的医学生改善解剖学教学的建议。材料和方法到学年末,我们使用匿名调查表收集了一年级和二年级学生的意见。这项调查的重点是2012年10月至2013年3月间教授的解剖学。学生被要求表达对正规治安课程,计算机辅助教学,考试和实验室教学的意见。提供了一个供观察和自由评论的空间。使用SPSS和Microsoft Excel软件收集数据。结果共有88名学生中的75名(85.2%)对问卷进行了回答。在L1(第一年级或许可证1)中,55名学生中有44名(80%)填写了调查表。在L2(第二年级或L2许可证)中,33名学生中的31名(94%)填写了问卷调查表。关于正式的裁判官课程,89.3%的学生认为课程目标很有用。对于其中的73.3%,PowerPoint演示文稿无法帮助您理解课程。 32%的学生觉得黑板上的图画或讲义很难复制。他们中有86.7%的人认为解剖过程最好在早晨进行。对于93.3%的人来说,预订最后30分钟进行讨论非常重要。54.7%的学生认为应在大学网站上向学生提供讲义,对于84%的学生来说,需要进行自我评估测试。学生要求在考试期间改变问题的类型(72%),并在网站上提供练习(93.3%)。测试应包括其中的78.7%的解剖图,其中84%的解剖图必须以课程目标为基础。对于97.3%的学生来说,实验室的实用和教程对理解很有帮助,甚至比正式的权威课程更重要。其中61.3%。 54.7%的人认为对解剖实验室的探访没有组织得井井有条,



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