首页> 外文期刊>Public Policy and Administration Research >Defining Good Public Health Services from Its Satisfactory Perspectives: A Study on Patient Satisfaction at Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Pekanbaru of Indonesia

Defining Good Public Health Services from Its Satisfactory Perspectives: A Study on Patient Satisfaction at Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Pekanbaru of Indonesia

机译:从满意的角度定义良好的公共卫生服务:印度尼西亚北干巴鲁Arifin Achmad总医院的患者满意度研究



This study aims to reveal the delivery of the inpatient health care at Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Pekanbaru, Riau Province of Indonesia, especially the health care meant for poor patients by looking at the dimensions of organizational commitment of service providers, the level of service satisfaction perceived by patients, and the implementation of service model. The results indicated that (1) organizational commitment is not strong enough to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the hospital as a result of high gaps between the vision and mission and the weak commitment from hospital personnel to implementing a good health care; (2) the level of satisfaction of the overall health care as perceived by patients was quite high which were based on key indicators derived from the patient despite the main and additional indicators showed that the number of items that did not satisfy were more than the items did; (3) a model of health care in the Arifin Achmad General Hospital which is run has not reached the expected level as defined in the hospital 's motto " Your Satisfaction is Our Happiness " and “ Service with 5 'S' (Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, dan Santun) ”. The study recommends that (1) the organizational commitment to provide a good health care need to be strengthened to reformulate the vision and mission of the hospital in a manner involving elements of management, employees and service users; (2) to improve patient satisfaction in health care, it needs to improve the effective feedback receiving mechanism through feedback forms in accordance with the characteristics of poor patients they serve and expectations of health services as perceived by service users; (3) implementation of the model of health care in hospitals needs to be reformulated by adding 5 'S' to 7 'S' ( Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, Simpati, Sabar and Semangat ) with the involvement of representatives of service users in formulating and evaluating health services delivery so that the hospital’s motto " Your Satisfaction is Our Happiness " can be realized.
机译:这项研究旨在通过观察服务提供者的组织承诺的维度,服务满意度的水平,揭示印度尼西亚廖内省北干巴鲁的Arifin Achmad综合医院的住院医疗服务,尤其是针对贫困患者的医疗服务。被患者感知,并实施服务模式。结果表明:(1)由于愿景和使命之间的巨大差距以及医院人员对实施良好医疗保健的承诺薄弱,组织的承诺不足以支持医院的愿景和使命的实现; (2)尽管主要和其他指标表明,不满意的项目数量多于项目,但患者对整体卫生保健的满意度很高,这是基于患者的关键指标得出的做了(3)运行Arifin Achmad总医院的卫生保健模型尚未达到医院座右铭“您的满意就是我们的幸福”和“为您提供5'S”服务(Senyum,Salam)定义的预期水平,沙巴,索潘,丹三屯)”。该研究建议(1)需要加强提供良好医疗保健的组织承诺,以涉及管理层,员工和服务使用者的方式重新定义医院的愿景和使命; (2)为了提高患者在医疗保健方面的满意度,需要根据他们所服务的贫困患者的特征和服务使用者对医疗服务的期望,通过反馈形式来改善有效的反馈接收机制; (3)需要在服务使用者代表的参与下,通过在5'S'到7'S'(Senyum,Salam,Sapa,Sopan,Simpati,Sabar和Semangat)的基础上增加5'S'来重新制定医院保健模式的实施方式在制定和评估医疗服务提供方式时,可以实现医院的座右铭“您的满意就是我们的幸福”。



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