首页> 外文期刊>Psicologia, reflexao e critica : >Culture, cognition and language in the constitution of reading and writing practices in an adult literacy classroom

Culture, cognition and language in the constitution of reading and writing practices in an adult literacy classroom




In this article we analyze a discursive interaction between a researcher and an Youth and Adult Education student intending to show the meanings and uses of reading and writing taken by him. We take as our basis for discussion the theoretical-methodological contributions from Historical-Cultural Psychology and Paulo Freire's theories, which are combined with Bakhtin's concept of dialogue. This procedure allowed us, on one hand, getting into the other's perspective and, on the other hand, to make relations between cognition, language and culture to understand the adult students' metacognitive strategies, in the appropriation process of literacy practices of school culture. Thus, we could discuss the intimate relationship between doing and knowing and the importance of school in the transition from concrete thinking to the thinking and vice-versa.
机译:在本文中,我们分析了研究人员与打算显示其阅读和写作的意义和用途的青年和成人教育学生之间的话语互动。我们以讨论历史文化心理学和Paulo Freire的理论为方法论的理论基础,并结合巴赫金的对话概念作为我们的基础。这一程序一方面使我们进入了另一方的视野,另一方面使我们能够在学校文化素养实践的适当过程中,在认知,语言和文化之间建立联系,以理解成年学生的元认知策略。因此,我们可以讨论做与知之间的密切关系,以及学校在从具体思维向思维的转变中的重要性,反之亦然。



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