首页> 外文期刊>Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao >Women from Rio and reading practices in the 1920s: a documentary study from the magazines 'Fon-Fon' and 'Jornal das Mo?as'

Women from Rio and reading practices in the 1920s: a documentary study from the magazines 'Fon-Fon' and 'Jornal das Mo?as'

机译:来自里约热内卢的妇女和1920年代的读书实践:来自“ Fon-Fon”和“ Jornal das Mo?as”杂志的纪录片研究



This paper aims to investigate the reading practices undertaken by women of Rio de Janeiro in the 1920s, having as object of analysis two magazines specifically addressed to this audience. They are: "Fon-Fon" "Jornal das Mo?§as". It presents the set of socio-historical factors that have driven the development of the periodical press in Brazil and the appearance of "women's magazines" in Rio de Janeiro in the period of the Belle ?‰poque. Then, taking a prerogative that both the Fon-Fon Magazine and Jornal das Mo?§as constitute in historical sources, it is made a desk study in order to identify the needs and the information uses that seems to be associated with the reading practices of the subscribers of both journals. In terms of results, besides emphasizing the socialization dynamics established by and for the female audience, the work points out how the two magazines have become an important tool to the intellectual formation of the woman from Rio de Janeiro in the 1920s and how they acted in favor of leisure , education and dissemination of information among its readers.
机译:本文旨在调查1920年代里约热内卢的女性所采取的阅读习惯,并以此为分析对象,专门针对该受众的两本杂志。它们是:“ Fon-Fon”“ Jornal das Mo?§as”。它提出了一系列社会历史因素,这些因素推动了巴西期刊出版业的发展,并在百丽时代期间在里约热内卢出现了“妇女杂志”。然后,以《 Fon-Fon Magazine》和《 Jornal das Mo?§as》均由历史资料构成的特权为基础,进行案头研究,以确定似乎与阅读习惯有关的需求和信息用途。两种期刊的订阅者。在结果方面,除了强调由女性观众建立并为女性受众建立的社会化动力之外,研究工作还指出了这两本杂志如何成为1920年代里约热内卢女性知识分子形成的重要工具,以及它们在女性中的作用。鼓励休闲,教育和读者之间的信息传播。



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