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Exploring variability of teaching & supervision at clinical clerkship teaching sites




Objective: To explore undergraduate medical students’ perception of variation in teaching and supervision at different clinical teaching sites. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the College of Medicine & Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, UAE during 2017. Four clinical teaching sites affiliated with CMHS were evaluated namely Shaikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC), Ambulatory Care Clinics (AC), Tawam Hospital (TH) and Al-Ain Hospital (AH). An online questionnaire was administered to year five and six students. Results: The response rate was 84.4%. Overall perception of the students about their clinical clerkship experience was positive. SKMC was rated as the best teaching site with mean rating of 3.79±0.97-4.79±0.43. The highest rated item was clinical teacher’s promotion of critical thinking in students while the lowest rated item was the opportunity to take responsibility for patient care. Ambulatory Care site had a mean rating of 2.33±1.23-4.13±1.19. The highest rated item at this site was the clinical teacher encouraging students to ask questions and participate actively. At Tawam Hospital, the mean ratings ranged between 2.65±1.64-4.31±0.86 with highest rated item being ability of the students to see cases with positive clinical findings. At the Al-Ain Hospital, the mean rating was in the range of 2.79±1.45-3.81±1.11. The item rated highest here was the ability of students to see cases with positive clinical findings. The lowest rated item at all three sites was the availability of on-call rooms and lockers. Significant variability was seen across training sites in the clinical teacher’s ability to act as professional role models, the opportunity for students to apply their previous knowledge to patient care and to independently assess patients before discussion with teachers. Conclusion: This study tool highlights variation in clinical teaching and supervision at four clinical teaching sites. It provides specific, actionable information which can be utilized to deliver equitable learning experiences across clinical clerkships and teaching sites. It places emphasis on the fact that lack of physical facilities hampers clinical teaching and supervision, hence, on call rooms, lockers and separate rooms for independent student interaction with patients should be provided at all clinical teaching sites. doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.342.14656 How to cite this:Naeem N, Elzubeir M, Al-Houqani M, Ahmed LA. Exploring variability of teaching & supervision at clinical clerkship teaching sites. Pak J Med Sci. 2018;34(2):368-373. doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.342.14656 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
机译:目的:探讨医学生对不同临床教学点教学和督导变化的看法。方法:该描述性横断面研究于2017年在阿联酋阿拉伯联合酋长国大学医学与健康科学学院进行。对与CMHS相关的四个临床教学地点进行了评估,分别是谢赫·哈利法医学城(SKMC),门诊诊所( AC),塔瓦姆医院(TH)和艾因医院(AH)。对五年级和六年级学生进行了在线问卷调查。结果:回应率为84.4%。学生对他们的临床工作经历的总体看法是积极的。 SKMC被评为最佳教学场所,平均评分为3.79±0.97-4.79±0.43。评分最高的项目是临床教师对学生的批判性思维的促进,而评分最低的项目是承担患者护理责任的机会。卧床护理部位的平均评分为2.33±1.23-4.13±1.19。该站点上评分最高的项目是临床老师,鼓励学生提出问题并积极参与。在塔瓦姆医院,平均评分范围在2.65±1.64-4.31±0.86之间,评分最高的项目是学生查看具有阳性临床发现的病例的能力。在艾因医院,平均评分为2.79±1.45-3.81±1.11。此处评分最高的项目是学生查看具有阳性临床发现的病例的能力。在这三个地点中评分最低的项目是应召用房间和储物柜的可用性。在整个培训场所中,临床教师的专业角色榜样能力,学生有机会将其先前的知识应用于患者护理并在与教师讨论之前独立评估患者的机会方面,均存在显着差异。结论:该研究工具突出了四个临床教学地点在临床教学和监督方面的差异。它提供了可操作的具体信息,可用于在临床业务和教学地点之间提供公平的学习体验。它着重强调以下事实:缺乏物理设施会妨碍临床教学和监督,因此,应在所有临床教学场所提供呼叫室,更衣室和单独的室,以供独立的学生与患者互动。 doi:https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.342.14656如何引用此内容:Naeem N,Elzubeir M,Al-Houqani M和Ahmed LA。探索临床业务教学现场的教学与监督的差异性。朴J医学。 2018; 34(2):368-373。 doi:https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.342.14656这是根据知识共享署名许可(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)的条款分发的开放访问文章,该文章允许不受限制在适当引用原始作品的前提下,可以在任何媒介中使用,分发和复制。



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