首页> 外文期刊>SAGE Open >An Investigation of Metadiscourse Features in International Postgraduate Business Studentsa?? Texts: The Use of Interactive and Interactional Markers in Tertiary Multimodal Finance Texts

An Investigation of Metadiscourse Features in International Postgraduate Business Studentsa?? Texts: The Use of Interactive and Interactional Markers in Tertiary Multimodal Finance Texts




Metadiscourse analysis reveals the way writers engage with different texts and communicate with each other. Examining these linguistic resources is important because they play a vital role in maximizing the learning experiences of students in the Mastera??s program in Accounting. Yet, there is a lack of research investigating these features in a key topic in the Principles of Finance course: management reports that encompass tables and graphs. This study explores the use of metadiscourse markers in three multimodal management reports written by 10 international Mastera??s of Accounting students. It employs Hyland and Tsea??s model and Hylanda??s model for the multimodal analysis of metadiscourse markers in finance texts. The findings show a high frequency of interactive and interactional markers in the orthographic texts compared with a lack of implicit interactive markers and a high frequency of implicit interactional markers in the tables and graphs. Implications for the teaching of English for Business Purposes (EBP) are discussed.
机译:元话语分析揭示了作家与不同文本互动和交流的方式。检查这些语言资源非常重要,因为它们在最大限度地提高会计硕士课程中学生的学习体验方面发挥着至关重要的作用。然而,在“金融原理”课程的一个关键主题中,缺乏研究这些功能的研究:包含表格和图表的管理报告。这项研究探讨了10名国际会计学硕士学生撰写的三份多模式管理报告中元话语标记的使用。它采用Hyland and Tsea模型和Hylanda模型对金融文本中的元话语标记进行多模式分析。研究结果表明,与缺少隐式交互标记的表格和图表中的隐式交互标记的频率较高相比,拼字法文字中的交互式和交互标记的频率较高。讨论了对商务英语教学的影响。



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