首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Utilization of Bamboo Shoots (&i&Bambusa vulgaris&/i&) in Chips Production

Utilization of Bamboo Shoots (&i&Bambusa vulgaris&/i&) in Chips Production

机译:竹笋(i.Bambusa vulgaris / i)在薯片生产中的利用



The study aimed to develop bamboo shoots as a healthy snack alternative. Healthy snacks can be an important part of nutritious diet. A healthy snack can offer health benefits. Modern research finds that the bamboo shoot has a number of medicinal benefits, from cancer prevention and weight loss to improving appetite and digestion. Bamboo shoots are not only delicious but also rich in nutrients, and rank among the five most popular healthcare foods in the world. The main raw material used in this study is bamboo shoots locally known as “labong” which is rich in dietary fiber and various vitamins like C, E, and B6 as well as nutritious substances and minerals. With the idea of making healthy veggie chips, the researchers decided to make a snack from bamboo shoots or “labong”. The product has undergone microbiological analysis and sensory evaluation to determine the safety and acceptability of the product at the Bulacan State University Food Analytical Testing Center. Based on the microbiological analysis of the BSU (Bulacan State University) Analytical Testing Laboratory conducted for the bamboo shoots “labong” chips, the sample has coliform count, yeast and molds count, aerobic plate counts and Staphylococcus aureus count values that are within BFAD standards. The sample passed the microbiological analysis and is considered safe for human consumption. The overall acceptability of the sample product is like.
机译:该研究旨在开发竹笋作为健康的零食替代品。健康的零食可能是营养饮食的重要组成部分。健康的零食可以提供健康益处。现代研究发现,竹笋具有许多医学益处,从预防癌症和减轻体重到改善食欲和消化。竹笋不仅美味,而且营养丰富,是世界上最受欢迎的五种保健食品之一。该研究中使用的主要原材料是竹笋,在当地被称为“ labong”,它富含膳食纤维和各种维生素(例如C,E和B6)以及营养物质和矿物质。基于制作健康的素食片的想法,研究人员决定用竹笋或“拉贡”制作小吃。该产品已通过微生物分析和感官评估,在布拉干州立大学食品分析测试中心确定了该产品的安全性和可接受性。根据BSU(布拉干州立大学)分析测试实验室对竹笋“ labong”片进行的微生物学分析,样品的大肠菌群数,酵母菌和霉菌数,需氧板数和金黄色葡萄球菌数均在BFAD标准之内。该样品通过了微生物分析,被认为可安全食用。样品产品的整体可接受性是这样的。



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