首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Effects of Chicken Manure on Growth and Yield of Jute Mallow (&i&Corchorus olitorius&/i& L.) under Rain-Fed Conditions of Sudan

Effects of Chicken Manure on Growth and Yield of Jute Mallow (&i&Corchorus olitorius&/i& L.) under Rain-Fed Conditions of Sudan

机译:在苏丹雨养条件下,鸡粪对黄麻锦葵(Corchorus olitorius)的生长和产量的影响



A field experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 cropping seasons at the Research and Teaching Farms of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Gadarif, to evaluate the effect of different rates of chicken manure on the growth and yield of jute mallow. The experiment consisted of four levels of chicken manure viz; 0, 5, 10, and 20 t/ha. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The results showed that increasing chicken manure significantly increased all the growth attributes of jute mall and resulted in an increase in crop yield and yield components in both seasons. The present study revealed that jute mallow has a positive response to chicken manure application which succeeded to compensate the deficiency of minerals in the Gadarif State of Sudan under rain-fed conditions. The study also recommend that the highest chicken manure application rate (20 t/ha) is indispensible for vigorous growth and substantial increase in jute mallow under harsh semi-arid conditions of Sudan.
机译:2013年和2014年在加达里夫大学农业与环境科学学院的研究与教学农场进行了田间试验,以评估不同比例的鸡粪对黄麻锦葵生长和产量的影响。实验包括四个级别的鸡粪,即: 0、5、10和20吨/公顷。将治疗安排在随机完整区组设计中,一式三份。结果表明,增加鸡粪能显着提高黄麻商城的所有生长特性,并导致两个季节的作物产量和产量构成要素均增加。本研究表明,黄麻锦葵对鸡粪的施用有积极的反应,成功地弥补了在雨养条件下苏丹加达里夫州矿物质的缺乏。研究还建议,在苏丹严峻的半干旱条件下,最高的鸡粪施用量(20吨/公顷)对于黄麻锦葵的旺盛生长和大幅增加是必不可少的。



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