首页> 外文期刊>Open Access Library Journal >Cumulative Perturbations Affecting a Spacecraft on a Mars Equatorial Orbit from the Waxing and Waning of the Polar Caps of the Planet

Cumulative Perturbations Affecting a Spacecraft on a Mars Equatorial Orbit from the Waxing and Waning of the Polar Caps of the Planet




We demonstrate in this paper that periodic variations of the J 2 ) gravity coefficient of a planet induce small cumulative perturbations on a given family of circular equatorial orbits, and that these perturbations could be measurable with current radiosciences technology. For this purpose, we first consider a Poincaré expansion of the Newtonian equations of motion. Then, by using Floquet’s theory, we demonstrate that, unlike the excitation mechanism, the perturbations are non-periodic, and that the orbit is not “stable” in the long-term, with perturbations growing exponentially. We give the full theory and an application to the case of planet Mars.
机译:我们在本文中证明,行星的J 2)重力系数的周期性变化会在给定的圆形赤道轨道族上引起较小的累积扰动,并且这些扰动可以用当前的放射科学技术来测量。为此,我们首先考虑牛顿运动方程的庞加莱展开。然后,通过使用Floquet的理论,我们证明了与激励机制不同的是,扰动是非周期性的,并且从长远来看,轨道不是“稳定的”,扰动呈指数增长。我们给出完整的理论并应用于火星的情况。



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