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Factors Associated with Inequalities in Access to Health Care to Mbujimayi (Kasai Oriental/DR Congo)

机译:与姆布吉马伊获得医疗服务不平等有关的因素(Kasai Oriental / DR刚果)



Objective: Mbujimayi like the other African cities where the environmental, social and economic problems, promote the development of urban pathology, several factors limit or promote access to quality health care services especially for slum dwellers. The objective of this study was to analyze factors associated with seeking care in this city. Material and Methods: This study was conducted in 2010 on the therapeutic use in six health zones of the 10 areas that make up the urban medical district of the city with a cross-sectional survey of 386 households. To study the association of different factors, we relied on cro sstabs and statistical associations: we connected, one by one, the independent variables to those characterizing the use of care; we evaluated the significance of the statistical relationships subjecting the consequences we assume they induced the chi-square test. The degree of significance of the associations has been indicated by the value of p < 0.05. Data processing was carried out using the software Epi-Info 6 version 3.5. 1, 2008, and Excel for tables. Results: The results show that therapeutic routes are as diverse as health care supply is varied. It appears from this study that 94.8% of households had at least one case of disease, 70.5% used modern health care, 17.1% consulted traditional healers, 4.3% practiced self-medication and 8.1% gave up to care. 70.3% have resorted to private structures, 85.7% used private structures. The corresponding description said the gender of the household head, sex and age of the patient, the level of education of the household head, the distance, the supposed cause of the disease and care of financing are factors associated with access to both modern and traditional treatments (p < 0.05).
机译:目标:姆布吉马伊像其他非洲城市一样,那里的环境,社会和经济问题促进了城市病理学的发展,有几个因素限制或促进了优质贫民窟居民的优质医疗服务。这项研究的目的是分析与在这个城市寻求护理有关的因素。材料和方法:该研究于2010年对构成城市医疗区的10个地区中的六个卫生区的治疗用途进行了调查,对386户家庭进行了横断面调查。为了研究不同因素的关联,我们依靠crosstabs和统计关联:我们将独立变量与表征使用护理的变量逐一联系;我们评估了统计关系的重要性,这些统计关系的后果取决于我们认为它们引起的卡方检验。关联的显着程度已通过p <0.05的值表示。使用软件Epi-Info 6版本3.5进行数据处理。 1、2008和Excel for table。结果:结果表明,治疗途径随医疗保健供给的多样化而变化。从这项研究中可以看出,有94.8%的家庭至少患有一种疾病,70.5%的家庭使用过现代医疗保健,17.1%的家庭接受过传统医疗服务,4.3%的人进行自我药物治疗,8.1%的家庭放弃了医疗服务。 70.3%的人诉诸私有结构,85.7%的人使用私有结构。相应的描述说,户主的性别,患者的性别和年龄,户主的受教育程度,距离,疾病的假想原因和资金筹措是与现代和传统获取方式相关的因素治疗(p <0.05)。



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