首页> 外文期刊>Online journal of biological sciences >Development of New Didactic Materials for Teaching Science and Biology: The Importance of the New Education Practices | Science Publications

Development of New Didactic Materials for Teaching Science and Biology: The Importance of the New Education Practices | Science Publications




> >Problem statement: The creativity of teachers in the planning process of their classes for teaching science and biology may be an instigator to promote and stimulate learning. The science should be something that awakens curiosity in students to make learning pleasurable and increase their interest. The aim this research was to develop didactic materials for to help the teaching-learning process in the content of science and biology. Especially, those content about systematic that can not be very exciting and bring some difficulty for the involvement of students. >Approach: Inspired in the Atlantic forest, which extends along the Brazilian coast and offers a diverse ecosystem, were created some materials that enable the interaction of teacher with students, which were: "memory of the Atlantic forest", "unmasking the Atlantic forest
机译: > >问题陈述:教师在其规划科学和生物学课程的计划过程中的创造力可能是促进和刺激学习的诱因。科学应能激发学生的好奇心,使他们感到学习愉快并增加他们的兴趣。这项研究的目的是开发教学材料,以帮助科学和生物学内容的教学过程。尤其是那些关于系统的内容,不会十分令人兴奋,并给学生的参与带来一些困难。 >方法:受启发于沿巴西海岸延伸并提供多样化生态系统的大西洋森林,创建了一些使教师与学生互动的材料,这些材料是:“大西洋森林的记忆” ,“揭开大西洋森林的面纱



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