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Multivariate Asthma Phenotypes in Adults: The Quebec City Case-Control Asthma Cohort




Background and Objectives: Asthma is a heterogeneous disease where patient severity can be classified according to various models based on numerous variables. Large collections of well-phenotyped subjects are needed to find distinct clusters of patients for personalized medicine and future genetic studies. The objective of this study is to describe the collection of the Quebec City Case-Control Asthma Cohort and to identify homogeneous subgroups of asthma patients based on clinical characteristics. Methods: This cohort is part of an ongoing project initiated in 2007 to elucidate the genetic basis of asthma. All subjects are randomly recruited at the same site following advertisements. Subjects are unrelated French Canadian white adults 18 years of age or older. Each participant underwent a spirometry, methacholine challenge, and allergy skin-prick tests. Blood was collected for DNA, cell counts and total serum IgE measurements. So far, 982 subjects have been recruited and classified as cases (n = 566) or controls (n = 416). We performed factor and cluster analyses on collected phenotypes from this set to identify subgroups of phenotypically similar asthmatic patients. Results: Factor analysis with 13 variables led to the selection of five factors: lung function, numbers of allergens, blood eosinophil percentage, smoking status and age. K-means cluster analysis on the reduced dataset produced four significantly different groups with the following characteristics: smoking history, low atopy and low lung function, high atopy, and young non-smoking with average atopy. Conclusions: The Quebec City Case-Control Asthma Cohort is a new resource for local and collaborative clinical and genetic research on asthma. This new collection reveals distinct multivariate phenotypes of adult asthma that are likely to be important for future genetic studies and targeted therapies.
机译:背景与目的:哮喘是一种异质性疾病,可以根据众多变量根据各种模型对患者的严重程度进行分类。需要收集大量表型明确的受试者,以找到个性化医学和未来遗传研究的不同患者群。这项研究的目的是描述魁北克市病例对照哮喘队列的收集,并根据临床特征确定哮喘患者的同质亚组。方法:该队列是一项正在进行的项目的一部分,该项目于2007年启动,旨在阐明哮喘的遗传基础。广告后,所有受试者均在同一地点随机招募。受试者是年龄在18岁以上的法属加拿大白人成年男子。每位参与者都进行了肺活量测定,乙酰甲胆碱激发和过敏性皮肤点刺试验。收集血液用于DNA,细胞计数和总血清IgE测量。到目前为止,已经招募了982位受试者,并将其分类为病例(n = 566)或对照(n = 416)。我们对从该组收集的表型进行了因子和聚类分析,以鉴定表型相似的哮喘患者的亚组。结果:具有13个变量的因素分析导致选择了五个因素:肺功能,过敏原数量,血液嗜酸性粒细胞百分比,吸烟状况和年龄。缩减数据集上的K均值聚类分析产生了四个具有以下特征的显着不同的组:吸烟史,低过敏性和低肺功能,高过敏性和年轻非吸烟,平均过敏性。结论:魁北克市病例对照哮喘研究组是一项新的资源,可用于哮喘的局部和协作性临床和遗传研究。这个新的收藏揭示了成人哮喘独特的多元表型,这可能对将来的遗传研究和靶向治疗很重要。



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