首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology >Fetal Prognostics in Relation to Uricemia and Maternal Proteinuria of Arterial High Blood Pressure Types during Pregnancy at the Maternity of Donka, National Hospital Donka, CHU of Conakry, Guinea

Fetal Prognostics in Relation to Uricemia and Maternal Proteinuria of Arterial High Blood Pressure Types during Pregnancy at the Maternity of Donka, National Hospital Donka, CHU of Conakry, Guinea




Objectives: The objectives of this work were to calculate the frequency of arterial hypertension during pregnancy, describe the epidemiological profile, and identify the most common type of hypertension and to establish fetal prognosis based on uricemia and maternal proteinuria. Methodology: This was a six (6) month descriptive prospective study performed in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Donka National Hospital-CHU Conakry. The study took place from july 1 st to December 31st, 2015. Results: The frequency of arterial hypertension during pregnancy was 8.82% in the service. The epidemiological profile was that of teenagers (32.8%), nulliparous (56%), coming from home (69.2%), not having performed CPN (52%), not schooled (68%) and housewives. The primary factor was the risk factor (52.4%) . Gestational age greater than 37 was the most concerned (62%). The reasons for consultation are dominated by headache (76%) and vertigo (68%). The main type of hypertension was pre-eclampsia (48%) followed by Transient HTA (28%). The predominant clinical form during the admission was pre-eclampsia (47.2%) followed by eclampsia (23%). At the first minute, 35.68% of newborns had an APGAR score of less than 7 and the fifth 25.5% had a score of less than 7. Fetal morbidity was dominated by fetal hypotrophy (30.19%) , followed by prematurity (23.92%). In 90.90% of hypotrophy, there are ? 85.24% of premature babies, 95.55% of SFA, and 80% of MIU; the serum uric acid was greater than 350 mmol. We recorded 204 children born with moth g ers with proteinuria greater than or equal to 30 mg/dl, or 80% of children. 30 cases of MFIU and 7 cases of neonatal death out of 255 births, that is 14.50% were noted. Conclusion: The detection of risk factors by a good prenatal follow-up and the regular training of the care providers for adequate and multidisciplinary care (obstetrician, intensive care nephrologist and pediatrician) of hypertensive pregnant women and their newborns can improve the maternal prognosis and fetal.
机译:目的:这项工作的目的是计算妊娠期间的动脉高血压发生率,描述流行病学特征,确定最常见的高血压类型并根据尿毒症和母体蛋白尿建立胎儿预后。 方法:这是在Donka国立医院-CHU科纳克里的妇产科进行的六(6)个月的描述性前瞻性研究。该研究于2015年7月1日至12月31日进行。结果:妊娠期间动脉高压的发生频率为8.82%。流行病学特征是青少年(32.8%),未产妇(56%),在家中(69.2%),未进行过CPN(52%),未受过教育(68%)和家庭主妇。主要因素是危险因素(52.4%)。妊娠年龄大于37岁是最令人关注的(62%)。会诊的原因主要是头痛(76%)和眩晕(68%)。高血压的主要类型是先兆子痫(48%),其次是短暂性HTA(28%)。入院期间的主要临床形式是先兆子痫(47.2%),其次是子痫(23%)。在第一分钟,有35.68%的新生儿的APGAR得分低于7,而第五有25.5%的新生儿的APGAR得分低于7。胎儿的发病率主要由胎儿的营养不良(30.19%),其次是早产(23.92%)。在90.90%的营养不良中,有? 85.24%的早产儿,95.55%的SFA和80%的MIU;血清尿酸大于350 mmol。我们记录了204名出生于蛾类蛋白尿大于或等于30 mg / dl的儿童,或80%的儿童。在255例婴儿中,有30例MFIU和7例新生儿死亡,即14.50%。 结论:通过对产妇进行良好的产前随访以及对护理提供者进行定期培训,以对他们进行充分和多学科的护理(产科医生,重症监护肾病学家和儿科医生),可以改善孕妇的病情,从而改善孕产妇预后和胎儿。



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