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ITF Taekwon-Do pedagogy in North Korea: A case study




Background .Despite the style of Taekwon-Do taught by the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) being founded in the Republic of Korea (ROK; South Korea), it is known predominately as “North Korean Taekwon-Do.” Problem and Aim .Taekwon-Do was introduced to the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK; North Korea) in 1980, but since then no studies have reported how it is practiced in that country due to the DPRK government’s restricting access to its populace.This research aims to begin establishing if there are differences in pedagogical purpose and praxis in DPRK Taekwon-Do.Methodology .An internet search for individuals who traveled to the DPRK to practice Taekwon-Do specifically was conducted.A systematic literature of ITF pedagogical materials was performed, and a multipurpose, qualitative questionnaire was implemented.Out of the seven individuals who were identified and contacted, two agreed to participate in the current study; however, one of those two were disqualified due to incorrectly completing the questionnaire.A descriptive, non-experimental case study of one subject (Singaporean female aged 36 yr.) was then conducted.A qualitative analysis of the data resulting from the questionnaire and follow-up interviews was performed.Results .All five areas of the ITF’s curriculum (i.e., fundamental techniques, tul [forms], sparring, dallyon [forging or conditioning of the body], and self-defense) and the three levels of Taekwon-do’s pedagogy (i.e., musul [martial technique], muyae [martial artistry], and mudo [martial way]) were found in DPRK Taekwon-Do.Discussion and Conclusions .Despite the severe limitations of being unable to interview DPRK Taekwon-Do practitioners directly and the smallest small sample group possible, it was learned that DPRK instructors most likely teach all aspects of General Choi’s Composition of Taekwon-Do, and the stratified Taekwon-Do pedagogy theory was found in the subject’s practice in the DPRK.
机译:背景。尽管在韩国(ROK;韩国)成立的国际跆拳道联合会(ITF)讲授跆拳道的风格,但它主要被称为“朝鲜跆拳道”。问题与目的跆拳道于1980年被引入朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜),但自那以后,由于朝鲜政府限制民众进入朝鲜,尚无研究报道该国的做法。这项研究旨在开始确定朝鲜跆拳道在教学目的和实践上是否存在差异。方法论。进行了互联网搜索,专门搜索前往朝鲜练习跆拳道的个人。对ITF教学材料进行了系统的文献整理。在确定并联系的7个人中,有2个人同意参加本研究;然而,由于不正确填写调查表,这两个人中的一个被取消了资格。然后对一个受试者(36岁的新加坡女性)进行了描述性,非实验性的案例研究,对调查表产生的数据进行了定性分析并遵循结果。ITF课程的所有五个领域(即基本技术,tul [形式],陪练,dallyon [身体的锻造或调理]和自卫)以及跆拳道的三个级别在朝鲜跆拳道中发现了do的教学法(即musul [军事技术],muyae [军事艺术]和mudo [军事方式])。讨论和结论。直接和最小的小样本组,据了解,朝鲜教官最有可能讲授崔将军的《跆拳道作文》的各个方面,并且在该学科的实践中发现了分层的跆拳道教育学理论。 ce在朝鲜。



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